It's What Friend's Do

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Soft beams of light shone through the slats of the blinds and trailed like a lazy golden river across the floor. Many items lay discarded haphazardly throughout the room, leaving the place looking like a war zone. The sunlight slowly fought back the darkness to reveal more of the rooms hidden items as the sun marched higher across the sky. The light in the room began climbing it's way up the bedpost.

The light flowed smoothly across the tangle of blankets and limbs before alighting on a pale, freckle kissed face. The sun's warmth rested atop the heavy eyelids of the man who slowly began to rouse. Baby blue eyes opened before squeezing back shut with a hiss at the light assaulting his vision. Slowly, he sat up, shaking hands coming up to rub the crust and sleep from baggy eyes as the sun continued to shine throughout the room.

Matt took in the sight of the dust particles rising to dance within the beams of light while the mirrors hanging around dazzled like stars. Matt however, couldn't find it in himself to bask in the beautiful morning and the warmth it brought. He just felt too tired.

A bone deep exhaustion that left him feeling empty and raw, like someone had reached into his chest and squeezed the feelings out of him leaving nothing behind. Matt sighed and ran a hand through his scraggly hair, grimacing at the feel of how greasy it was from him having skipped his shower the previous night. Part of him was beyond disgusted to have let himself fall far enough to tarnish his gorgeous hair by not tending to it, but he just didn't have the energy to bounce up and clean himself.

All he wanted to do was roll over and go back to sleep. So, he did. He took the time to cinch the blinds further closed and close the curtains. Instantly, the golden light faded and was replaced by a dim grey. The shadows creeped out from the corners and swallowed the things Matt didn't care to clean from sight and he lay back down, burying himself beneath his covers. He wasn't sure how long he lay there trying and failing to get some sleep while his mind buzzed monotonously and the grey world he created began to slowly suffocate him.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed on his bedside table, sending a shockwave through his quiet lonely world. With this sudden burst of liveliness, Matt unfurled from beneath his blanket and reached out to grab his phone. The black screen lit up at his touch and he unlocked his phone to see a notification blinking at him from his messages. It was from Edd. He clicked on his friends name.

Hey, Matt! Just wanted to see if you were up yet and wanted to come over. We're watching the new Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell remake after breakfast.
Recieved 8:20 am

Matt felt horrible that he couldn't muster up enough energy to smile because he knew his friend was trying to include him in one of their activities. He just didn't have the energy. Slowly, Matt forced himself to at least respond.

Sorry. Busy right now. Maybe later.
Sent 8:21 am

Matt hit send before he could realize how not like him that response sounded or that he didn't have to respond and could've pretended to be asleep.

He realized he really didn't care all that much. He placed his phone back on the nightstand and rolled over, curling under the blankets and squeezing his eyes shut. Suddenly, all he felt like doing was crying. He hiccuped as his eyes began to sting and he curled further into himself with a whine of exhaustion.

His phone buzzed again. He ignored it. It buzzed again. And again. And again. And again. Matt only sobbed quietly in response, wishing for phone to just stop, he was too tired for this. Finally, it was silent other than Matt's wet hiccups and sobs filling the room.

Suddenly, he heard the quiet muttering of voices outside his room through the thin walls. He heard them making their way through his living room to his room and he could only vaguely feel angry at himself for giving his friends a spare key before it was washed away by the ever growing tide of exhaustion.

The voices reached his door. Matt bit his tongue in Hope's of keeping quiet. A pregnant pause filled the air before someone knocked softly at his door followed by an unusually soft voice saying, "Matt, you in the buddy?"

Matt's grip on himself broke a little and he whimpered out a soft cry. His door opened and Matt didn't have the will or energy to unfurl from beneath his blankets and look his friends in the face. Three sets of footsteps approached his bed and Matt cried some more, rubbing his face against the pillow he had dragged beneath the covers with him.

"Matt, what's wrong?" The unusually soft tone to Edd's voice took Matt by surprise enough for him to roll over and peek out at his friends. Even through the tears blurring his vision, he could easily make out the concerned look on Edd's face, the awkward yet caring glance Tom was giving him, and the obviously awkward and curious gaze of Tord. Matt's bottom lip trembled and looked down at the blankets, twisting the hem of his too big sleep shirt between his clenched fingers.

"I-I don't know..." Matt croaked out, tears slipping down his cheeks as he spoke.

"I'm just really tired and overwhelmed for some reason." Matt finished, hiccuping between his words. Silence followed again before Edd managed to catch his attention by sitting on the edge of his bed, his weight sending him sliding closer to him as he did so.

"Is, uh, is it okay if I hug you?" The sheepish tone again taking Matt of guard by his usually confidant and teasing friend. Matt only nodded his head in response. Edd didn't need anymore prompting before scotting back against the headboard and pulling Matt into his side, arms wrapped securely around the tall ginger.

Matt snuggled closer until his head rested on Edd's chest and he closed his eyes with a more contented sigh as he listened to his friends calming heart beat. Edd shared a look with Tom and Tord over Matt's and the other two nodded as they began to make their way out of the room. Matt noticed and whined a little as he watched his other two friends leaving.

"Its okay Matt, we're coming right back. I'm just going to get you some water. All this crying is going to make you dehydrated and get you sick." Tom said, his tone surprisingly soothing as he smiled sadly at Matt's tear stained face.

"And I'm just going to grab the portable DVD player so we can watch that stupid remake movie together." Tord replied a gentle and caring look softening the grotesque features if his face from the accident over a year ago.

"The remake is not going to be stupid Tord. It's a remake, therefore, it's going to be better." Edd snarked, his face split into a mischievous smile as Tord gave him an offended look.

"I believe that's where you're wrong Edd. Nothing can beat the original." Tord replied with a stern glare. The two's banter helped calm the tense atmosphere and Matt found himself smiling and letting out a choked giggle. Edd grinned like he had just won the lottery at the sound Tom merely shook his head affectionately before grabbing Tord's robotic arm and dragging him away before his oblivious ass began to start another argument over movies.

Not long after all four boys had piled up in Matt's bed, the portable movie player the only light illuminating the dim room as the boys chomped on popcorn. Halfway through the movie (spent with lots of angry commentary from Tord, annoyed replies from Edd, and a brief popcorn fight that resulted in the popcorn decorating everyone in salt and butter) Matt looked at his friends and smiled softly as they all cuddled together.

"Thank you." Matt's voice sounded small and a little scratchy but it was heard nonetheless. Edd shoved Matt softly from the side as Tom ruffled his already messy hair and Tord patted his knee.

"Of course Matt. Anytime."

It's very late at night and I'm very tired so take this sloppy one-shot that I threw together because I miss my friends and I feel really tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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