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I like you Len Kagamime, Suki Desu...
I wanna be your princess! Yeah, but I'm too ugly am I?
Well, in that case. I'll be your julie- no! Wait, cinderella.
You be my romeo. Cinderella is harassed right? Like me hehe.
Your my romeo. My handsome, rich and warm-hearted Prince.
I wish you notice me... Somehow, somewhere, sometime.

I jotted those words in my notebook and doodled some cute stuff at the edge of my paper.

" MISS AKIYAMA! " A voice screeched. I jolted nervously as Sensei Lenka walked towards my desk.

' Shit, I can't let her get my notebook. Since she's Len's mother. I'm dead if she sees my notebook's content. Thank goodness, Len isn't in my class or else I would be a laughing stock to him now '

My thoughts got interrupted when she shoved her hand front of my face and bellowed " Your notebook?"

" W-what do you w-want with it, Sensei Lenka? " I stammered.

" I'm confiscating it, miss Akiyama. "

" O-okay but please don't read it, Sensei... " I said as I nervously handed her my red beloved notebook.

" Is there anything on it? " She asked while narrowing her eyes.

" N-I m-mean y-yes " With that she grabbed my vulnerable treasure, flipped it open and began reading it. I felt like fainting at that exact spot



I'm Dead...


She was smirking widely and as she read furthermore, her smirk grew.

" I'll be taking this with me! " She retorted while smiling at me weirdly then she sashayed back at the front and resumed her lecture.

I can't keep still...

This has got to be a dream, a nightmare. I pinched myself but to no avail.


[ ???'S POV ]

I stared at my angel from the window.

It was nice to skip my class for a while.

There she goes again, her clumsy and idiotic ways.

' I love her so much '

I wonder what was written in that notebook...

Notebook ( Len x Rin short story )Where stories live. Discover now