wrapped up in you

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Im laying in bed

Wearing the sweater I lent you

You gave it back because it didn't smell like me anymore

And ill wear it til it doesn't smell like you and we'll switch again

Although I wish it would forever

So i could have this piece of you wrapped around me

When your body is miles away and i miss your touch

So i can feel your arms around me when you're gone

Like 3 in and something musky

I wish i could find it in a perfume

So i could spray on your scent and wear it with pride

Marking myself with you so no one else could have me like you do

So no one else could touch me where you have touched

So nobody but you will kiss me like this

When your lips make me soft and

Your hands dissolve the shell i created around me

I want to be so wrapped in you I don't have to wear a sweater

I want your skin to keep me warm at night

The tickle of your messy hair when I kiss your forehead

To become a gentle brush next to mine on the pillow

I want all of you and I am willing

Offering every piece of me for any piece of you

Because you are the sweater I lay in bed wearing

And i want to be the sweater you wear laying in yours

Dead Roses Grow in my HeadWhere stories live. Discover now