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OLIVIA WALKED DOWN THE HALLS, glancing  at the agents that passed her before continuing to look ahead. She shared a smile with Maria Hill as she glanced at the woman before making her way to her destination. She looked around at all of the scientists that were studying the tesseract, messing with it and keeping the vitals and stability of it up to date. She walked up to the rope that was hanging down, grabbing on to it before climbing up and flipping her body over the railing.

     "You know, Fury's going to be mad when he sees you here." Clint spoke, moving his eyes from the tesseract to look at the woman. Olivia smirked at the male before taking a seat beside of him.

     "Fury knows he can't control me." Olivia retorted. "I do everything that Fury tells me not to do."

     "I know. I'm surprised you're still here after some of the shit you've pulled." Clint joked. Olivia let out a scoff as she rolled her eyes. The two sat there in a comfortable silence, their eyes narrowed in on the tesseract before Clint was the one to break it. "I'm surprised you didn't leave with Nat." he turned his head to look at the redhead who kept her eyes glued to the glowing object. She shrugged.

     "I would've. But, I wasn't going to leave you alone to stare at a cube all by yourself." Olivia retorted. Clint rolled his eyes, chuckling lightly before shaking his head.

     "Yeah, but it rid you of the opportunity to be as close to her as you possibly could get." Clint responded. Olivia pressed her lips together, causing the archer to glance at her before looking back towards the tesseract.

     "Is there something you'd like to say, Hawkeye?" Olivia asked, cocking an eyebrow as she glanced at them man.

     "No, but I think there's something you'd like to say." Clint responded, turning his head to fully face her. Olivia bit the inside of her cheek, feeling his eyes on the side of her face causing her to let out a small huff. He turned away from her and they sat in silence until Olivia let out a small groan.

     "Look," as soon as she said the word, his turned to face her, "you know how I feel, Clint. And you know that I can't do that. That I can't get close to somebody like that. Someone always ends up hurt, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she got hurt because of me."

     "Jesus Christ you both sound like a broken record." The man muttered.

     "What?" The brunette turned to him, her eyebrows furrowed. "Clint, Natasha doesn't like me like that. We're just friends, and that's all we'll ever be."

     "Because neither of you will pursue anything because you're too scared. Which, mind you, I understand where you're coming from. But, I took a chance, and now I have a wife and two kids." Clint told his best friend, seriousness etched onto his face. Olivia looked at him, narrowing her eyes as she studied his face.

     "There's something else." She told him. She kept her eyes on him before sighing, looking away. "Say it."

     "I wasn't-"

     "Just say it, Clint." Olivia groaned, pushing her hair from her shoulder. "What do you think about all of this. . . whatever this is."

     The man shrugged before speaking. "You two are the literal definition of annoying. And frustrating. And gay. That's what I think."

     "I-" Olivia let in a deep breath of air, her eyes widening slightly at the man's response. She closed her mouth, turning away from him before mumbling out, "Screw you, Barton." He opened his mouth to respond, but she held up a finger, turning her head to glare at him. "Don't even."

     "I wasn't going-"

     "That is a lie and everyone in this entire building knows it." Olivia responded. The man smiled, a chuckle leaving his lips.

     "You know, you're distracting me from my mission."

     "I didn't know I could be distracting." Olivia smirked, glancing at him.

     "Distracting isn't the right word for it." He said, before correcting himself. "I think the word is called annoying. A nuisance. A pain in the ass."

     "Aw, I love you too Clint."

     The archer rolled his eyes at his friend before turning his head back towards the tesseract. "Yeah, love you too, Liv."

     "What exactly is the blue glowing thing? Where's it from? Why's it here?"

     "Wow, you really don't read the case files anymore, do you?" Clint asked.

     "What's the fun in that?" Olivia asked, scrunching up her face at this.

     "It's called the tesseract. They found it in the ocean when they were looking for Captain America." Clint explained to her. "Why it's here? Well, why is anything that we have here?"

     "Ahh, understandable." Olivia nodded her head. That's when her eyes narrowed in on Fury entering, and she couldn't help but smile. "Oh yay! Fury's here, I get to explain why I'm not doing my job."

     "You find way too much enjoyment when it comes to annoying him." Clint muttered.

     Olivia smiled, letting out a soft sigh before saying, "I know."


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