Welcome to the Neighbourhood

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Harry tip-toes backwards out of the doorway, careful, so careful to avoid any obstacles that might be in his path. In his sleep-deprived state, he can barely remember how to walk let alone where the furniture is placed. He daren't look though, too afraid to turn his head as sweat prickles at his temples and on his upper lip. He wants to lick it away but he holds firm. His breaths are shallow, terrified that even the tiniest sound will wake the sleeping beast on the other side of the room. Two more steps and then he'll be in the hallway and have his reprieve, however brief it may be.

The light streaming in through the living room doors comes into his peripheral vision as he makes it over the threshold. He is so close he can practically smell the sweet taste of freedom. Then he hears it...

The crunch of gravel. The whoosh of air brakes being applied. The shout of a man's voice. The slamming of a door, and then another.

Harry panics. Eyes darting to the direction the sounds are coming from and then back into the semi-darkened room. Movement. Oh god. No, no, no.

A sharp inhale of air is the last warning he gets before the cry rings out and shatters Harry's world.

" Fuck ," he sighs and trudges back into the room. "Shhh... angel, it's okay, Daddy's here," he says as he leans over the side of the crib, picking up his precious baby girl and laying her on his chest. "It's alright, Luna. Just some noises from outside."

His attempts to soothe are unsuccessful like they often are. He knows it was a fool's errand to try and put her down so close to her next feed but he just wanted half an hour to deal with the laundry, sterilize some bottles, and maybe get five minutes to himself.

She's not having it though. He sighs and shifts her further up his chest so her head is over his shoulder, hand splayed on her back as he heads back out in the living area. Her cries wane but don't dissipate entirely.

She's just fussy . Harry replays the words of his Health Visitor in his head. She'll settle down once she gets used to her surroundings. She'll sleep better once she's on solids . She means well, and Harry's sure everything she said was true, but it did little to quell the sinking feeling in his stomach that he's failing dismally at this whole parenting thing.

Harry goes over to the windows and looks out on the rolling green fields of the farmland beyond his garden. Luna's grumbling trails off as she must realise he's not taking her back to bed. She's got him wrapped around her little finger.

He hears more movement and voices outside in the driveway and goes to his front window to see what the commotion is that thwarted his latest efforts to get Luna to sleep.

There's a large truck with the words Jim's Northern Removals painted on the side in big red letters. Two burly looking men in uniforms emblazoned with the same logo walk down the ramp at the back carrying a plastic-covered mattress as two more pass them and disappear inside the vehicle.

Right. The new neighbour.

Harry goes over to the fridge and takes the letter from under the magnet. He'd forgotten this was happening today, even though Louis, the neighbour in question, had sent him a lovely introductory note last week. It was really considerate and bodes well for their yet to be commenced friendship. At least he hopes they can be friends. This Louis person will be the only other human for miles around and as their homes are two-halves of the one recently converted barn, if they didn't get along that would be incredibly awkward.

Hi Neighbour,

I thought I would drop you a short note to introduce myself. I'm Louis and I'm an Equine Veterinarian. I've just accepted a new job at the Greyfield Stables on the other side of town and am moving up from Hereford.

The Baby Whisperer (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now