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Friday 3:00pm

I go to my room and get dressed to go out for lunch since its to late for me to cook am I right? So I open my closet and grab my new coat and grab the keys from the bar table and head out. As I lock the door to my flat I hear a familiar voice....

"Oh my gosh! Domm what are you doing?! I thought you were a robber?!"

"Sorry Jessica. I just got home from a reunion so Im pretty tired."

"Crap! I have a reunion too! Well bye Domm I gotta get ready for that reunion or else my moms gonna kill me."

Crapity crap crap crap! The reunion!!! Thats why I didnt eat!! Ugh I gotta go.

****8 hours later****


Wow thats the most food I have ever seen! Who knew people could miss me so much just kidding! Man its already 11pm Ive been gone for 8 hours already! I gotta sleep. I head to the restroom and take my clothes off and put my pjs on and since its quite cold Ill put a robe on and bunny slippers. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and comb my hair. I lay in bed and charge my phone right next to my head and close my eyes...

*asleep and dreaming*
"Simon? Where are you?"

"Look for me Jessica!"

"Why? Whe-----"


"Oh my gosh!! Simon thank you!!"

"I love you Jessica you know that right?"

"I know Simon and I love you too!"

"Love you babe!"

"Well Jessica are you hungry?"

"Yupity yup yup yup!"

"Lets go to Nandos then!"
*wakes up*

Monday 9:30 pm

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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