chapter 5°♡shin soukoku♡{text}

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Atsushi: Hello(๑̀ㅁ́ฅ)

Ryuunosuke: Hi

Gin: Hello! fellow human.

Atsushi: Are we even human?

Ryuunosuke: No your a tiger.

Gin:*Face palm*

Atsushi: Do you guys know who Dazai Osamu is.

Ryuunosuke: The suicidal maniac. This guy?

Atsushi: yea(๑̀ώ๑) but who's the orange hair

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Atsushi: yea(๑̀ώ๑) but who's the orange hair. And how do you know him?

1)Chuuya-san (A mafiosi)
2)Dazai was a mafiosi and my sensei.

Atsushi: Dazai-san was a mafiosi?! ⊙▽⊙

Ryuunosuke: Yea, he probably didn't tell anyone.

Gin: I'm here too remember?

Atsushi: Hey Aku-chan!(๑̀ώ๑)

Gin: Why'd you still call me that, I'm not a 7 year old.

Atsushi: Because it's cute and I'm going to treat you like a 7 year old even when you're ninety.

Ryuunosuke: ......So why did you ask us about Dazai?

Atsushi: He asked me if I know you personally.

Gin: And...

Atsushi: I said no but I'm pretty sure he know I was liying and now I don't know what to do.

Ryuunosuke: I'm going to give you some advice but I want Gin to still think you're an innocence cinnamon roll.Also she a baby.

Gin: Hey!I'm not a baby.

Ryuunosuke/Atsushi: YES YOU ARE.

Gin: You guys are just overly protective😤(๑'^'๑).

private chat

Atsushi: Do you have any idea what I should do?

Ryuunosuke: He's good at reading people, so just act.
And before you even try and tell me you're acting sucks.
It doesn't, you can probly fool the government into letting you in there most secure facility if you want.
You're also terrifyingly smart.

Atsushi:  I mean, if I need anything from the government I could probably just hack into their computer files or something (๑́ ₃ ̀๑).

Ryuunosuke: This is exactly why I say you're terrifyingly smart 😒.

Atsushi: You used an emoji.Σ(っ °Д °;)っ

Ryuunosuke: No I didn't.

Atsushi: yes you did.

Ryuunosuke: No I didn't.

Atsushi: yes you did.

Ryuunosuke: No I didn't.

Atsushi: yes you did.

Ryuunosuke: No I didn't.

Atsushi: you did!

Ryuunosuke: No!

Atsushi: yes!



Ryuunosuke: Fine! I did but it was only on accident.

Atsushi:Yes 'accident'.
Anyway, want to meet up secretly on Friday and catch up with each other.

Ryuunosuke: Sure,can I bring Gin.

Atsushi: Sure met you at *******park.

Ryuunosuke: See you on Friday.

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