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Your POV

Today is they're graduation, I wonder if they'll visit me, I said and got up, I took a bath and got dressed for work, at the medical company, I entered wall rose and saw Eren, Armin, and Mikasa on top, then we met eyes,

"YYY/nnn!!!!" shouted Eren and he descend down, some other people were were following behind him, when he got down, he hugged me, I dont know what to do,

"Congratulations, you graduated" I said, I didn't smile, I stopped smiling since they have gone to the trainees to join the survey corps,

"thank you" said Eren and hugged me, and keep saying,

"I missed you"

"I missed you too" I told him,

but I still didn't smile, my expression became stoic and serious, my voice is colder than before, I didn't hug back, I stayed, I remembered that all of them will die, well according to the history, I tried not getting my emotions in the way of my mission and let the coldness spread to everyone who will approach or talk to me, I pushed Eren but gently, he looked at me questioning whats wrong, I looked at him, my glasses reflecting the sun and hit his face,

"You guys must be in duty" I said and looked at the other people behind him and pushed my glasses up,

"Please take care of him, he kinda get all stupid and do something he will regret" I said, they all nod

"Yes miss..........uhhh" said a brown haired girl 'Sasha blause, from dauper village, southern territory of wall Rose,

"Y/n, Arlert, Y/n would be fine" I said, and she nodded, she was about to say something when I interrupt,

"You must get up the walls and clean the canon or you'll be caught, I need to go to work" I said and bow to them, and head my work place,

"bye y/n!!!!" shouted Eren I nod and walk my way,

I bought a horse because I am positioned to wall sina's hospital, It'll take days to go there but I dont mind, I have no one to come back, I pact some clothes because I'll be stay there temporarily, my next patience is from hermiha, its a old lady that needs medical attention but her sons and daughter were too busy to take care of her and hired me to attend to her health, its been five monthes since I am taking care of her, she's sweet and all but she will soon leave this world full of naked eating people, called titans, I heard screaming when I left, but I didn't turn back, its the attack,

I was at the middle of the journey when I encountered a scout heading their way too trost, I moved to the side but they stopped in front of me, they got out of their horse, I decided to hop off my horse too, then I blue eyes blonde haired man was approaching me, 'Erwin Smith, Commander of the Survey Corps, the ten year old boy back at the sorcerer's castle, he's so fricking tall now' I looked at him and bowed,

"What can I do for the Commander?" I asked and looked at him, my glasses were down to the tip of my nose because I bowed,

"Are you Chief Arlert, y/n?" he asked I nod,

"We would like you to invite you to help the wound soldier that were fighting now" he said, I still keep my stoic-serious look and nod, I hand him a paper, and he accepted it,

" I would like to inform mrs. harper that I am going to be helping the scouts" I said he nod and pass it to a cadet and the cadet went to hermiha, I got to my horse and grabbed my bag full of medical supplies,

"my horse is kinda breathing heavy, it might cause by dehydration because of the lack of water" I said and the commander nod,

"please follow me" he said and I followed him to his horse, I feel eyes not me but one pair of steel eyes were piercing me, I looked and meet the eyes of the person who was staring at me, 'Corporal levi Ackerman of the survey corps, titled.......Humanities Strongest Soldier, From the underground..............huh?? he is still wearing the cravat I gave him?' I asked my self 'hes a keeper' I said then Erwin turn to me, and gestured to place my bags on the horse, I did and he put a hand on my shoulder,

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