A Little Girl?

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"You knoooow, I never understand why you get to have two pocket watches, and not one," Jude admitted the next day as he watched his older brother at work. Lulu meowed from his arms, pawing at his face, but Jude only fixed his grip on her, "Doesn't Luu and I get one?"

Julius didn't look up as he tinkered with a pocket watch, "Well you seeee, I'm still trying to make sure they both work. I can't just give my brothers these rickety ones if they're not in working order."

Ludger walked into the dinning room with a pair of plates of freshly cooked tomato omelettes. He placed one next to Julius, "Naaah, he just likes his watches and isn't willing to share."

Jude dramatically gasped as he released Lulu and sat at the dinning table, "Nooo."

"Alright, alright, enough out of you two," Julius sighed as he packed away his tools and Jude and Ludger shared a laugh.

Despite his younger brothers' antics, Julius smiled at them fondly. He ruffled Jude's hair, and lightly elbowed Ludger's unprotected stomach, "Now, eat your breakfast. Need that energy to get through the day, right?"

Ludger only gave Julius a look, who sipped at his tea and nudged the tomato omelette towards him. Jude noticed, but said nothing about it as he gave his thanks and ate.

"Now, Jude," Julius began as he got up to go to the kitchen, "You're going to be home alone again, but you have to promise that you won't leave without letting Ludger know."

Jude almost grimaced as Julius placed that damn bottle next to Ludger with a tablespoon, "...Can't I just come with one of you? I mean, it does get boring after a whi-"


The response came so suddenly that even Ludger stopped in the middle of pouring a spoonful to look at Julius.

Julius visibly backtracked and started again in a softer tone, "Sorry, Juu, but you can't come to work with me. It's too dangerous. Plus, today is Ludger's first day on his new job."

Jude could only look at Julius before humming lightly, "Yeah, I understand."

With an apologetic smile on his face, Ludger held the spoonful toward him and nodded encouragingly. It only took five seconds to stare at it this time. Still, Jude hated the crazy combination of sweetness and bitterness. At least, Ludger wasn't giving him the "You can't skip out on this" lecture.

"Right. So, first day on your new job as a chef," Julius said as he placed a hand on his hip. Ludger nodded as he gathered the dishes. Jude excused himself, calling Lulu to feed her.

As Ludger got up, Julius placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled, "You're going to be a great chef, Luu, so give your best in every meal."

Ludger couldn't stop the splutter of laughter, "Pfft- sorry. I almost thought you weren't going to give me some weird prep talk thing."

"Hey- don't laugh," Julius said as he ruffled his little brother's hair, "Besides, I think the cafeteria would love you. After all, Jude and I haven't died yet."

Something flashed in his eyes as Ludger ducked out of his reach and slipped into the kitchen, "...Right."

"...Maybe I should get you a gift to celebrate your new job," Julius said after a moment.

Ludger placed the dishes in the sink and shrugged, "I wouldn't mind having one of those pocket watches of yours."

Julius came to stand next to him, ready to rinse the first dish, "If you really want a watch, I'll just buy you a new one. Those pocket watches are old junk."

"Then, why are you trying to fix it instead of throwing them out?" Ludger couldn't help but look at Julius suspiciously. His brother deliberately ignored it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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