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On a narrow street in Rome, Italy, there was a light snow on the ground, earlier it had covered the pavement in a white sheet but the people passing by had worn it down revealing the tarmac beneath. While the snow had thinned the cold weather had not. Half way up this street stood a tall muscular man with blonde hair, he had far too little clothing on for the weather and was consequently paying for it. Every so often his gloved hands moved to rub the section of his arm his jacket didn’t quite reach and his gloves didn’t quite cover. In the past half hour he had considered entering the warm and very inviting café he was standing outside many times but knew if he went inside the man he was waiting on would probably never find it despite the fact he had told him the name of the café and street five times over the past two days. Some break this was turning out to be, the ‘Hell Pillar Climb’ was nothing compared to enduring freezing weather for far too long all because someone couldn’t be on time. 

While Caesar continued to stand around trying to warm himself up and failing miserably using his full range of Italian curses to describe what that assolutamente inutile* Joestar was and what he was going to do to him, said Joestar had finally made it onto the correct street. After six flustered asking of directions one purchase of a map and a lot of opening screaming about how complicated Italy was and how stupid Caesar was for picking such a remote place to meet later Joseph Joestar was finally on track even if he was 44 minutes late exactly and here his plan was to show up early to beat Caesar at the romance game. 

The scrunched up map the brunette carried and frantically checked as well as his watch to check was this even the right place and how hard the punch to his face was going to be thanks to how late he was meant he didn’t even notice the blonde glaring at him getting steadily more and more pissed off with every second he spent trying to read the map. Joseph finally noticed when the map was snatched from him and returned only this time the correct way round. He looked up to see Caesar looking less than pleased and… was he shivering? Joseph gently folded up the map grinning dumbly ready to fire all kinds of excuses the minute he was brought into question. He had to admit though he did feel bad for the Italian standing here for almost an hour, shivering, rubbing his arms and the cold even made his nose and cheeks pink. Joseph admitted he looked pretty cute like this. The nice thought was short lived however. 

“Mama mia! What time do you call this!? I’ve been standing here like an idiota for almost an hour!” The blonde’s hands waved around in various motions ranging from thrown into the air to say ‘I give up’ to one hand pointing an accusing finger at the Joestar. 

Joseph’s dumb grin was quickly replaced with a frown he was honestly blaming him for standing out in the cold for almost an hour? He could’ve picked a more accessible place to meet that didn’t require a fucking degree in the streets of Rome for a start. He could’ve gone inside instead of standing out here freezing to death and he definitely could’ve, no should have, worn warmer clothes it was hardly like this weather had just appeared in the last hour. No way in hell was it Joseph’s fault for sleeping in, or for not remembering the name of the street or for reading the map upside down for the past half hour not a chance. 

“You’re saying this is my fault? It’s your own damn fault!” Joseph half yelled causing people to stop and look. 

“MY fault!? How is this my fault! You’re the one who showed up an hour late!” Caesar raised his voice further. 

“44 minutes! I was 44 minutes late!” Joseph yelled his even more inappropriate clothing finally catching up to him, jeans, a vest top and an oversized scarf were never designed for heat, well the scarf maybe. He had been so busy running around trying to find this damn café the cold never occurred to him and he was now shivering as badly as Caesar. 

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