Hey i'm Emily and this girl here is the main character who has a depressed life. I'm 18-years old and I love playing musical instruments it helps me forget some of my past but not all of it. I wish there was a person out there who could help me with my depression. Everyone makes my depression worse by making fun of me. They also give me anxiety with faces of disgust when they look at me. Yeah when they look at me they look away regretting that they even looked at me. Am I that ugly... This is how I look like.
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I'm not that bad am I or is it just my tears. My tears always make me feel weak that whenever I cry I never want to talk about it to others because they always pretend that they care about you, trust you, love you and you know that because they always hurted your feelings in ways that you want to kill yourself, cut your wrists, never want yo eat, sleep, get out of your room. All you want to do is cry yourself to sleep but you realize whenever you sleep your nightmares come back to you. I've never slept ever since I was 4 years old. When I was 4 that's when I developed depression because whenever I cried I'd always get beaten up by my parents or siblings. It even happened when my relatives came to the house. I hated everyone I even hated myself and I still do I can't control it after what everyone done to me I can't do anything. I'd only just cry and I feel like I'd cry till I die. This is the end of chapter 1.