Death & Meeting the Freaks

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New Story!
Izuku P.O.V




I Looked at the Ceiling and all i see is Blur Everywhere in Prison.

I can't see or feel anything.

Don't Have Enough Energy to move, can't do anything except standing here dying and don't see help coming anytime soon,

I Save Everyone but traded respect for only Greedy Fame and Riches.

My Body is in Pain to the End of Brick of Death and can't recover..........


I Close my Eyes and Waited


Guard#1: Hoi Useless! Time for the Beat u--

3rd P.O.V

Gurad#1:*Gasp* *Grab The Wakie Takie* GUARDS! TAKE INMATE #500 TO THE RECOVERY ROOM! RIGHT NOW!

Four Guards grab the Inmate and head to the Recovery Room.

Guard#2:HOW! IS HE DYING!?



(Place Switch)

Nurse:How is He? *Worry*

Doctor:I'm Sorry But He's Not Going to Make it.

Nurse:*Shock* So That's Mean? He's..he's....he's...

Doctor Just Nodded and Looking Down,

Random Girl:but...but....but.... have his quirk right?

Random Girl:yeah.......but why do you ask me that?

Doctor:go to hero school and fulfill his dream for him*remove glasses* and Never go to U.A and keep away from All Might Himself.

Random*nodded and go*

Random Girl:Izuku........I'm sorry i can't help you the most.........

While Shed Tears

(Place Switch To the Underground)
Izuku P.O.V






i hear a water drop but i don't know where am i.

I'm Seeing Red but it's getting Darker and Darker

I Feel My Body It's Intense Pain, i can't Handle it, this pain is KILLING ME!



I Feeling Hated and I'm fucking love!

This Pain is Soon Coming Feeling Nice...

I Open My Eyes and See The Moon But It's Different And I Don't Fucking Care

I Open My Eyes and See The Moon But It's Different And I Don't Fucking Care

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I'm Was Elsewhere And I Can't Know Where I am.....

Izuku:This Fucking Worst!
'Woah...i Never Swear Before.....'

I Look around and everything is Chaos, i feel nothing, Feelings is All Gone, And I Only Feel Neglecting Feelings and Some reason Sexual Feelings?

I Found a Someone and It's a Freak!

Izuku:WHAT THE FU----

"Hello! Young Gentlemen! Are You Okay?! I Don't Care! But I Have a Hotel To Sent To The Heaven's! To Be Honest! it's Probably Not Going to Work!"

I was Confused but I Don't have a Home So Fuck Whatever.

Izuku:Fine, You pieces of Shi----

"Excellent Let's Go Right Now! Oh By The Way, The Names Alastor Let's Go!"


He's Gone And He's Just Lying...

Izuku:Fucking Liar.......

But i See The Ground WEIRD SYMBOLS!?


I was Elsewhere and I See Group of Freaks...


"So Who's This Demon? Alastor?"
Grey Girl Said

Alastor:New Demon From Upper Lands Looks Like He's was betrayed by his Friends! Hahaha! Husk Laugh With Me!

"Shut The Fuck Up"
This Weird Husky Dog Said That And He Drink his Booze looks like it's Cheap

"Alastor i Told You i Can Find Older Demons and Not News Ones---- Wait..... did you say he got betrayed?"
Clown Lady Said

Alastor:Yes He was Sent To Prison and
Betrayed By His Classmates and Been Frame !Hahaha! What a Great Show!

"Alastor Please Don't Laugh at Him He's Probably Hurt......"
Clown Lady Said With Care

Alastor:I'm Sorry But Watching Failures is Fun to See They Tried to get to the Top and Failed And Instantly Die And Never Come Get Up..........
Said in Creepy Magic Words

Izuku:Who The Fuck Are You?!

"Oh I'm Sorry But I'm Charlotte but you can call me Charlie"
The Clown Lady or Charlie Said.

"The Name Vaggie"
Grey Girl Said in lame tone

Izuku:Who Are You Weird Dog?......

That Weird Dog is Name Husk That's a Stupid Name.

Izuku:Okay, Where The Fuck Am i?

Charlie:Well........Your At Hazbin Hotel Former Known as Happy Hotel.......

And? Expect More

Charlie:Okay, But Welcome to My Project For Demons Rehabilitate to sent to the Heavens.

Izuku:i Don't Care But Where's My Fucking Room?

Veggie:Hey! Don't Talk to Her Like That!

Charlie:Veggie, Don't Worry He's New Maybe He Need Some Time.

Veggie:*Sigh* Fine But If He Hurts You Then I'm Going to Get Rid of him.

I Leave Before They will Talk More

Izuku:Hey Dog..., Where's My Room?

Husk:Your Room is in This Floor, The Number 12, And Have One Demon On This Floor...... He's Your Neighbor, So Leave Me Fucking Alone.
As He Drink His Creap Booze's.

Izuku:Okay Thanks For Nothing Dog.

I Went To My Room and Go Inside and Go To Sleep.....

I Hope The Traitors Die as Will.

Back From My Break!

And New ideas has Come to Me and now i can do with it

And Still Watching Rwby To understand the Story........

Never Watch Someone Die til you Dead. (Hazbin Hotel and Betrayal!Demon!Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now