It all started before we where born, me and my brother that is. Idon't know the details, but from what we have heard about our past our mom was going somewhere and ended up in some sort of accident. That accident resulted In my brother and I having cat ears and cat tails forming on us before we where born.
Weird I know right!?
Well after we came into this world our mother ended up passing away a few days later from unknown causes and my brother and I where orphaned, In the orphanage we where kept away from the other kids because the care givers though we would become a threat to the others. Later on we found out that we had some sort of powers that allows us to control certain elements. Mine being the power to control and create water and my brother's being the power to control and create fire.
When our 5th birthday came around we decided that we have had enough of the solitary confinement and made a plan to use our abilities to escape that night after everyone went to bed.