Baby Girl

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The gentle life within my hands

Squirms and wriggles, it will not calm.

I must not think

I can only stare

And hope that when I blink

She is still there.

She must not leave

I cannot let go.

No matter how much

My mind tells me to.

She does not cry

She only smiles

She knows beyond a doubt

She's mine.

She cannot stay,

I must not care

I know when I awake tomorrow

She won't be there.

She will be free

Away from here

Away from me.

Free to laugh and cheer.

Free to play and love

Without constraint

Free to be herself

No cause for hate.

And as I hold my baby here

I must not care

The cost is too dear.

So I hold her near

And watch her chest heave

My one true love

For whom I breathe.

Please don't take her

Please don't say

That I cannot keep her

For one more day.

Her precious eyes

Her tiny fists

I must let go

The nurse insists

I'll find you someday

When you are grown

And hope to love you

As my own.

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