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Y/n's POV:

A couple days past bye. Nothing has changed. It's still Corbyn and I. Best friends.

A knock on my bedroom door was planted while I was painting a picture frame for my fall dream board. I look up. "Come in!" I say looking back down immediately after to keep working.

Jonah walks in. "Y/n get up now!" I jump smearing paint on my leg and some on my wood floors. "Shit!" Jonah violently grabs my arm. "Get dressed. It's extremely important." He let go and speed walked away down the stairs.

I raise a brow as he walked away and got dressed. I put my hair in quick messy space buns and slide a hoodie over my shirt and jean shorts. I cleaned up my leg with a Clorox wipe and ran downstairs hopping while I put on my shoes.

I frantically look around. Something grew inside me that told me somethings wrong. I noticed everyone in the band was there... except Corbyn. "Where's Corbyn!?"

I felt panic rise from my body. Corbyn was the reason why I wasn't anxious anymore. He always gave me breathing exercises to calm me down and he'd always hold my hands and tell me in his calm voice that everything's gonna be okay. But now he's not here to do that...

"He's gone missing! We have no idea where he went! His location is off. His mom doesn't have any where is and same with Ashley!" Daniel said in a scared voice. Corbyn also was Daniel's best friend and their bond was unbreakable once started. Dani and I were in a complete panic. Thinking of ideas where our lost Corbyn could be.

"Does anyone know if he has a 'happy place' or anywhere he goes to hide away?" A memory popped in my mind when he said hide away.

~Flash Back to Three Months of Their Friendship~

He climbed up on the dumpster of an abandoned diner. He helped me up and jumped up on the roof me following but still struggling. We crawled up to the top and sat down next to him admiring the view he showed me.

"It's absolutely beautiful Corbyn." I said looking out at the clouds slowly traveling across the sky and the sun slowly descending to the horizon. He smiled and put his arm around me and smiled.

"This, Y/n, is what I call my hiding spot. I've came here all the time ever since we moved to LA. All the chaos of the world really can drain a guy. I was driving alone and I found this. Looks like it was from the 60's or 70's but I love the safety it gives me."

I nod for lack of words because I just wanted to listen. That's what I do. I listen and comfort. But truthfully he was the one comforting me. Showing me the ways of Los Angelous.

~End Of Flashback~
"The diner." I say my body feeling frozen after remembering Corbyn's soft voice calming my nerves. "What?!" Jonah says in frustration because he just wanted to find his missing band member.

His voice woke me up a little and shook my head to bring me back to reality. "The diner! It's out of town a bit! I'll show you guys!" The five of us run out the door to find our lost boy.

It's Not Like That - A Corbyn Besson Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now