why must my life b full of people
they say they care
they say i am the reason for there pain

why am i the blame wy am i the saint why cant i be like you

i have some problems that you couldenteven understand and it brings me ain to keep on trying

why am i the target why cant i fight it ashes ahses why must it come down to me why do ppppppppeo have to care why cant they leave me aone so i can cry my self to sleep why am i the thing that causes pan and suffering

the pain corses in my veins i am the fire that lights the gasoline i am the cause for the nproblems please just hate me now

why must my ,ife be in the pain why must i have to have feeling why cant i jsut forget my life just leave everyone why cant i hide why cant i see why cant i be the thing that you want me to be

i have tried my very harderst but it neveris enough so i give up so i leave now but you always drag me back i am not helpful i am quite te opissite

why do i exsist in this world why must i be the ain my own vienswhy do i aleays bring peple down i have tried my hardest so i will fight now i will last now fight me demons i will fight yuo i have frinds that care so why will my steak keep on coming that it i am done i havea mini army to help fight you off so come at me deppresion come at m anxitety coma and tr me i will fight thy and i shall won this time

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