487 2 4

??? : Hola hijo estamos muy temprano( hi son are we too early )

Mattia : sí mamá la fiesta empieza a las 4 ( yes mom the party starts at 4 )

??? : oh o-

but then i stepped in cause i understood what they were saying and said

Angie : hey i am Angie come in ( i said while shaking there hands )

??? : oh um thank you i am mattia's mom and that is his dad and brother 

Angie : nice to meet you all 

Mattia's mom : may i ask who you are 

Mattia : mama that is Angie my girlfriend 

Mattia's mom : oh well it is nice to finally meet you i heard you had a kid

Angie : yes Mrs.polibio 

Mattia' mom : pls call me Matiluca 

Angie : okay Matiluca 

Angie : hi Mr.polibio 

Mattia's dad : pls call me Gizmo ( idk his name tell me in the comments pls ) 

Angie : nice to meet you Gizmo 

Angie : hi little guy 

Mattia's brother : hi my name Gianluca but call me luca 

Angie : nice to meet you luca 

Matiluca : may i ask were your baby's at 

Angie : oh the boys took her out while we get everything ready 

Matiluca : oh okay 

Angie : yeah but make yourself at home i have a movie room and there is a pool in the back too 

All of them : okay thxs 

then you went to the kitchen to start cooking while mattia showed them to the movie room 

and you started cooking all the food to feed everyone then 



after mt family meet Angie i was showing them the way to the movie room then my mom told me something 

Matiluca : Angie very sweet son 

Me : i know 

Matiluca : and very very pretty 

TEEN MOM  ~~~~ Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now