Chapter One - New job

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I'd always been fascinated by London, but now I was finally living there how insane. The reason I moved was to get away from my toxic dad, who controlled everyone and everything he could.

"You don't have to go, Ruby !" exclaimed Mum with her teary and broken, sad voice.

I wanted to swoop my mum up and take her with me away from my father, but she would never leave him.

"But I do, Mum; I will never be able to be free from him," I pleaded to my mum.

I could hear my father's size ten feet stomping up the stairs, most likely to tell me how much of an idiot I was to walk away; my father was a successful businessman who loved power and would use that power to get what he wanted whenever he wanted.

"I'll cancel all your credit cards and make sure you have no money, and then we will see who needs who, " My father said with an agitated tone as he stood at the door of my room with his grey, expensive suit and his brushed back brown-greyish gelled hair.

Oh, how I wish things could be different, but things would never be the same after my little brother William went missing. It's all still a big blur to me what happened that day, but I wish not to remember it.

I picked up my heavy suitcase and began to drag it to my door.

That last glance at my overly pink bedroom somehow had so many good memories but yet so many bad ones.

"Stop her, David !" Cried, my mum

But my father stood there with his arms crossed and said, "Go then, see if I care, Ruby."

If there was one thing me and my dad had in common, it was that we were both stubborn; I was about to take the next big step in my life.

I planted one of my feet outside the door, and I went one after the other.

"No looking back now, Ruby !" I said to myself.

And as far I can say, two years later. I'm the happiest I can be. I live in a two-bedroom modern apartment with my Best friend, Steffi, who happens to be a personal trainer. You'd think I would be much healthier and fitter, but really, I spend most of my time with a book in my hand and a bag of jumbo crisps.

"That isn't good for you, Ruby!" Steffi exclaimed softly and mellowly.

"Yeah, I know, But it's just good, plus I've got a fast metabolism," I said with a few crisp crumbs all down my silky blouse.

I could see Steffi rolling her eyes with disappointment whilst fixing her eyes on me. I finally placed my book down and said 'Yes, Steffi!" with an exhausted tone.

"Shouldn't we be celebrating the fact that you got a new job at Moore's Cooperation " stated Steffi

I wasn't one for partying, but Steffi, on the other hand, was the life of the party; she somehow always managed to drag me to clubs and parties even though I would rather be at home with a nice long detailed book.

"Look, I know it's good to read, but you need to have some enjoyment in your life, girl !"Steffi addressed with the clear urge to get me to come partying with her.

I had two choices to make; one is to go partying, and the other was to say at home with my legs up with The 100 by Kass morgan in my hands, but the downside about staying in would be Steffi nagging at me non-stop about being a party pooper. So I guess I made my choice, right?

"Fine, I'll go get ready then," I said exhaustedly with the palm of my hand placed against my head.

I let out a big sigh as I stood up from the lounge chair.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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