13. Light Touches

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I couldn't believe Dean had the audacity to jump to conclusions like he did. But then again, it was Dean we were talking about here. As stubborn and hardheaded as he was, I still loved him like he was my own brother, like we were blood.

In ways I could understand the reason why he instantly made the accusastions he did, he's trying to keep Sammy safe and at the same time he's trying to keep the world as it is at the same time. I would probably do the exact same thing if I were in Dean's posistion and it was Cas in Sammy's.


Cas was something different and something rare. Not once in my life, aside from when I met Ellen, Jo, and Ash, have I ever experianced kindness and love from someone. Sure Cas was still learning the customs of human emotions and feelings but he was getting somewhere.

There have been times where we would all be in a fight during a hunt and when Cas was done smiting whatever it was were hunting, would come over to me and help me, even though I could handle my own. He's stepped infront of me whenever he found someone or something posed a threat to me, whether he did it on his own accord or not, he was always protecting me. It warmed my heart having someone to care for me the way Cas does.

We've had our moments that would be classified as chick flick moments by Dean. We didn't have to worry about much though since him and Sam would be asleep and Cas and myself would be awake, not really needing the sleep they did. When they slept we would talk in hushed tones like two new forbidden lovers who were afraid to be caught, stealing light touches from one another to know the other was real and still by our side.


'Dakota? I don't know if this will work but you need come back here from wherever you are. Dean feels bad about what he did and Cas won't stop pacing and shooting murderous looks to Dean. Please.' Sam's voice rung in my head. Was Sam praying to me? I sighed figuring I've had enough time on my own.

"Okay, stop the self-loathing Dean. And Cas? Don't kill my brother." I made everyone in the room jump at the sound of my voice. "Well shit, you would think you two would be used to the zapping in an out thing."

"Dakota! We didn't hear your wings." I shrugged at Sam as if to say 'not my problem'. "So you heard my prayer?"

"Mhm. I guess that's one thing I can't tune out. But I'm back. Let's go kick some demon ass."


Hey guys! This was more of a filler chapter more than anything! Things will get intense in the next chapter or two cx

Be sure to check out my Misha story, "The Sitter" and my other SPN story called "The Hunter Games"!

I love you guys!

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