Top 28! Part 16

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"Garydos!" Misty shouted.

"Steelix! Go!" Brock called.

"Mamoswine spotlight!" Dawn called. Mamoswine grunted.

"Surperior." Trip said in a bored tone.

"Exadrill!" Iris shouted.

"Pancham!" Serena called out.

"Pansage!" Cilan shouted.

"Roserade go!" Drew shouted. (I forgot to mention he was there too)

"Delcatty come out!" May said.

(Yeah so they all took out their Pokemon.)

Ash went straight for one of the traitors, which happened to be Drew. He was took down easily. Then May came over for revenge but failed and her Delcatty got knocked out. Ash took down a few random people until it was down to 100 trainers.

(K so we're going to change the rules a bit.. It's going to be 28 people who advance).

The people remaining after was: Ash, Brock, Gladion, Mallow, Lana, Kiawe, Lillie, Sophocles,Trip,Dawn, Gary, Paul, Alain, Max, Bonnie, Clemont, Serena, Misty, Hau,Iris, Random people.

"Now it seems all of your Pokemon are very tired! You should give them a rest before the round match ups after lunch!" Hala said.

"Ash!" Cilan shouted. "You cheated! And we know it." Everyone was looking there way. But they knew he didn't cheat. They knew they were just being a bother.

"Like I said before, I didn't cheat. You're most likely the ones cheating." Ash replied to them emotionlessly.

"Well. I want a battle! Prove who's really the strongest, Me and Drew against you and one of your stupid friends." May said overconfidently.

"Ok. Who would like to battle and whoever wins what do the people get?" Ash asked.

"I'll battle" Max said, wanting to prove he's stronger.

"Well.. I will get that Lucario of yours if I win... Now you pick what you would get if you won." May said.

"Ok...." Ash saw that May wasn't treating her Pokemon correctly so he wanted to help and said. "If I win.. Then I get that Vulpix of yours."

"Ok. Deal" May replied back.

"I'll be the referee. This is a double battle. Each trainer can use one Pokemon each. When both of sides Pokemon are unable to battle the other person wins. Battle begin!" Clemont said.

"Roserade go!" Drew said while flicking his hair.

"Warturtle Go!" May shouted.

"Gallade come out!" Max shouted which surprised May a bit. It was the same Ralts he saved back when they were travelling together but her thoughts were cut off by Ash.

"Leaf Go!" Ash shouted when the Grass-type Litten came out which shocked everyone accept the people he was travelling with.

"Use Hydro Pump!" May shouted as warturtle aimed at the Litten.

"Dodge and use Bullet Seed!" Ash commanded.

"Petal-Blizzard!" Drew shouted (that's what it's called right)

"Dodge and use Psychic!" Max said confidently. Both moves hit its mark.

"Roserade, Magical leaf!" Drew said.

"Use Teleport!" Max said.

"Leaf storm!" Ash shouted as Litten followed its trainers instructions. This move hit both the Pokemon causing both to be knocked down. "Now that that's over with. The Vulpix.

"Ugh!" May said as she crushed Vulpix's pokeball and Vulpix jumped up into Ash's arms

'Thank you Ash' Vulpix said to the trainer.

"No problem!" As ash was saying that, Vulpix took one of Ash's Pokeballs and pressed on the button and without struggle, She was caught.

"Congratulations Ash!" Lillie said, hugging ash blushing a bit while Ash was too.

"Oooooo~" Mallow & Lana said at the same time.

"SHUT IT! "Lillie said which kinda startled everyone.

"Guys! It's almost 12 we need to go to see the pairings!" Ash said in worry.

"Right!" They we're all kinda worried now and running and got there just in time

"Here's the pairings for the second round!" Olivia said happily then tripping over. "IM OK!"

The cards were shuffling on the screen as the match ups were decided.

Important match-ups:

Ash VS Brock

Lana VS Mallow

Bonnie VS Clemont

Max VS - ( - mans Random Person)

Misty VS Dawn

Cilan VS -

Iris VS -

Gary VS Paul

Alain VS -

Serena VS -

Hau VS -

Can't be bothered to write any more so yeah you will know in the next chapter probably


Well done for making it to the end 👍🏻

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