Chapter 1- "Shut up, Brohnson! You know nobody likes you!"

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Chapter 1- "Shut up, Brohnson! You know nobody likes you!"

I woke up as we hit a bump and my head slammed against the window, conveniently at the same time my mother announced our arrival at the cul de sac. Drowsy from just waking up and sitting in the cramped car next to my brother for hours, I perked up at the news. We pulled into the driveway shortly after in silence, and I glanced at the clock. 3:00 PM.

"Alright kids, when the car stops I want you to help unload boxes-" My mother started saying as we pulled in the driveway.

"No time for boxes! It's room claiming time!" Brohnson proclaimed. My sister and I shot each other an evil look and burst into action. The moment our brother unbuckled his seatbelt, we reached over him and lunged for the other's buckle so the seat belts would hold him in the vehicle. The click was simultaneous, leaving him stuck in the car while we scrambled out. Racing to the door, I failed to bound ahead the strides taken by Carly's long legs. Brohnson came puffing behind me, and I pushed him into a pile of leaves nearby. Grabbing onto the doorway, I swung inside the new house, trailing behind Carly.

She pounced into the largest room and let me run past, then she stood in her doorway to prevent Brohnson from tackling me and claiming my prize. I quickly slid in the second d largest room, slamming the door and panting heavily. Thundering footsteps could be heard on the other side; Brohnson was probably cursing under his breath. With a faint smile, I tugged my black jacket off and threw it on the bed, marking my territory so my siblings wouldn't take this room. Brohnson was the only enemy, though, since he got stuck with the smallest one.

My white door creaked open at the push of my hand, revealing the blank blue  wall of the hallway. The front door below banged shut as my mother called up the stairs, "Okay, guys, you've claimed your rooms, right? Now come help out!" Frustration lingered in her voice as it floated up to my ears. Eager to put a box in my room, just to be sure it stayed mine, I scrambled downstairs and ran out the door.

"Hey Bridgy," My dad greeted with a smile so big, his hazel eyes were hardly visible . Immediately putting down the box in his arms, he pulled out a few boxes with my name written on the side in bold black Sharpie. "Careful it doesn't fall. You've got some fragile stuff in there."

"Alright. Thanks Dad!" Steadying the boxes, I grinned even though my face was concealed. I loved how he knew I had to reserve my spot before Brohndon could take it. Stomping up the porch steps, I kicked the glass door to get somebody's attention. Soon it swung open and I heard mom say,

"Bridgette! Where's you coat?"

Sliding around her, I told her, "It's in my room."

"Well get it on! This isn't California. It's supposed to snow in a few day's, for Pete's sake!" She scolded, hands on her hips. Rolling my eyes, I nodded.

"Alright. I'll have it on next time, mom."

"There won't be a next time. The movers are a bit late with the rest of our stuff. Bridgy, tell your brother and sister to get down here and get their boxes," Dad ordered as he came in with a few boxes. I nodded then slowly made my way up to my room.

The first thing I heard was, "Get out of my room."

"Fine, I will. But dad wants you to get your stuff. It's not official until your boxes are in here."

"Fine, but not until you put your stuff in your room," He agreed. Huffing, I opened the door to the next room over and set my stuff down in the small space.

"Happy now?" I called through the wall.

"Very," Brohnson called back smugly.

"And tell Carlyl" I reminded, then I peaked out of the door and watched Carly walk out of her room. I watched as Brohnson followed, tugging his baseball cap on and trampled down the steps, then I hurriedly grabbed my jacket he threw in here, picked up my boxes, and ran in the other room. Ripping open the box with my stationary and giving myself a cardboard cut in the process, I scribbled "Bridgette's Room" on a sheet of notebook paper. A drop of blood fell on it as I stuck tape to the top of the page then slapped it on my door. Grinning evilly, I leaned against the door and examined my cut, laughing as I heard Brohnson groan, admit defeat, and stomp to his room. After I heard him slam some of his things around, I made my way to my mom.

"Mom?" I asked as she rummaged around a box carefully. Her blonde hair fell over her shoulder gracefuuly as she bent her head, finally plucking out a picture of one of us as a baby and hanging it on the wall where Dad previously hammered a nail.

"What do you need, Bridgette?" She asked without turning towards me.

"A bandaid..." I answered, holding my hand out so she could see the small cut.

"Trouble opening boxes?"

"Yeah..." She rummaged around in her purse, then unwrapped a bandaid from the box she pulled out. Pressing her lips to the pad, she gave it a kiss then wrapped it around my finger.


"Thanks, mom!" Wrapping my arms around her torso tightly, I smiled as she smoothed my hair down.

"You're welcome. Now go set up your room, the movers should be here soon and we'll need your help." As if on cue there was the screeching sound of brakes in the driveway, followed by a knock on the door a few moments later. "I guess setting up your room will have to wait."

Groaning, I slumped against the wall and watched her open the door and welcome the mover.

"Mrs. Mendel?" He asked, rubbing the back of his head. Another, younger man in the same polo shirt as the first. looked down sheepishly.

"That would be me," My mother replied, leaning against the door frame.

"We're terribly sorry about the wait. Our new driver here got lost," The older man informed her, scolding the driver indirectly. She laughed and told me, "Go get your siblings to help out," then turned her attention to the man. "It's fine, really," She insisted as I climbed up the stairs. Carly was about to go into her room when I stopped her. Peering in the door, I saw her makeup and hair styling tools already on a vanity.

"Hey, Carly, we're needed downstairs," I told her. She sighed.

"The movers are here?" She asked, brushing a blonde strand of her. I nodded, then met her hazel eyes identical to mine, noticing the reluctance that betrayed the eagerness her half set up room suggested. "Well, I guess there really is no moving back to Cali," She sighed again, shutting her door.

"You thought there was?" I questioned as she followed me to Brohnson's room.

"No, not really." Carly admitted, opening Brohnson's door without knocking. Before he could protest, she proclaimed, "Alright guys. This isn't an end. Starting now, it's a beginning."

"So it wasn't a beginning a minute ago?" Brohnson asked, pushing us out of the way.

"Shut up, Brohnson! You know nobody likes you!" Carly shrieked, running after him. When I went outside, I watched them chase each other around the yard and smiled. So far, this was a great beginning.


Picture attached is an example of a cul de sac (in case you didn't know) and what the house looks like to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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