Chapter 34: Making the Bed

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"Holy shit, you got so much stuff. Well, at least I don't have to cook much tomorrow," Mason exclaims the next afternoon, as he goes through everything. He takes out chips, cookies, and other junk foods that I got for the party or for just my own snacking.

I smile, and then shrug. "You know me. Don't worry, I used my own money. I've saved up from all the jobs I've been working plus the internship I've been doing."

Mason smiles, and says, "Hey, that's good. Just be careful with your money. I don't want you to go bankrupt before you graduate."

I smile, and then take the box of Dots that I bought to go share them with Nathan. "Yo, Nathan, I got you Dots!" That's almost the little trigger that sends Nathan running out of the room to go find the gumdrops that I got.

"GIMME! I like Dots!" he exclaims. I chuckle, then open the box to give him some of the chewy, slightly sticky candy. He holds out his hand, and I pour out the rainbow assortment of chewy candy.

Sarah then comes out, wearing her pajamas, and says, "Can I have some? I love these kinds of candies."

I give her a little bit as well. "Hey, Sarah, do you have any bracelets that I can borrow? I want to look really good for tomorrow's event."

Sarah gives me a slight smile, and says, "Oh, I wish. My dad gave me one, but I lost it around the time your mom died." "

That's fine," I say, and go back to my room to focus on eating my candy, talking with Arjun, and preparing for tomorrow.

I'm chewing on a cherry flavored gumdrop as I'm writing in the notebook. It's a good distraction to the pain that will soon be in my hand from writing in my notebook. I take a pen and continue to write down my thoughts in the notebook. I write down every little thing that I can think of, and make sure to keep them in a safe place. I can't risk losing these notebooks.

These are probably some of the keys to figuring out whether or not I can catch the true suspect or not. I may be wrong, but I can't lose a chance when it's literally in my hands. Eventually, I fill up two decent sized notebooks, and make sure that every page is covered with writing.

I slide them under my bed, and to be safe, I place them behind a little box so that nobody can really see what's going on. Now, what I have to do is look at the autopsy report one last time. I need to confirm my suspicions.

I take the autopsy report and flip to the description of the wounds. I look through the markings, what was picked up, the bruising, and everything that I can find, and try to find any sort of clue that points straight to the suspect. I look through and make sure that I don't miss one single word. In this case, every single word has some kind of value that I can use. I can't waste that.

Eventually, I find exactly what I need. I find that one piece of information that is like a big fat sign that points to the suspect that I have in mind. I close the autopsy report, and know that what I'm doing is in the right direction. I just have to prove it.

The next day, I'm helping Mason set up the tables and the food for the little party. I help bring out the water jug, set out the plates, the snacks, and everything else that he may need help with. After all, he is the one that's hosting the party, so I may as well help him. "So, is Arjun coming early to discuss some things with you?" he asks.

I nod. "Yep. He's just going to go over what he plans to do when it comes to the party today. He's gonna help me out."

Mason nods, as he continues to lay out the food. "I trust you. I just hope this works." I sigh a little bit. I hope so too.

Fifteen minutes before the entire thing is supposed to start, I hear the doorbell ring. "I got it!" I yell, so that nobody gets to the door before I do. I know Sarah is probably doing her hair, while Nathan is playing video games, so it isn't easy to get to the door. I get to it, unlock it, and Arjun is standing right there.

He sports a well groomed beard, although it's not very long yet. He's wearing the nicest clothes that he possibly could have on, with an expectant look on his face. I smile, and then he goes in for hugs. "Oh, it's so good to see you again without having to do this in secret," he says, as I chuckle.

I let go, and say, "Come on. We've got some things to discuss." He takes off his shoes, and we go downstairs into the garage, where everything is set up. Arjun enters the garage, and stops dead a couple of feet in. Mason turns around, and sees Arjun for the first time in over 15 years. Arjun looks like he wants to shrivel in the shadows somewhere, while Mason looks like he doesn't even know what he wants.

"Arjun," Mason starts off with.

"Mason," Arjun says. Mason keeps on setting up food for the guests, and Arjun walks over there in an attempt to make peace. "Look, I'm not here to start any new animosity. I get it. You're not fond of me. But, I promise you. I won't do anything to hurt Ashmita. I can assure you of that. I will never lay a finger on her."

Mason turns around and looks Arjun straight in the eye. His intense icy eyes almost look like they're going to freeze Arjun's warm brown eyes. Mason lets out a sigh and says, "I'm not going to doubt that. But if you are actually guilty, then I will show you no mercy."

I take that as an acceptance, and turn back to Arjun. "Alright, so you'll keep an eye on it?"

Arjun nods. "I will. I'll let you know when and if I see it. In the meantime, get everything ready. I think today is going to be interesting."

Mason turns around. "So, will someone fill me in?"

I shake my head. "Can't. You'll find out everything soon enough. Oh, and did you invite any other Gujarati people to the party?"

"I think a few. And you know I can kind of understand it, right?"

Arjun snickers. "I sound like a villager when I speak in Gujarati. No joke. You never could fully understand me when I spoke to Jyoti. Don't worry, we got this."

I snicker, thinking about how Mason will probably look at us and think, "What the fuck?" after we speak.

But for now, it's showtime.

Oh, I can't wait! One more chapter! Any theories so far? Let me know in the comments!

Hey everyone! How's it going? So, I'm curious. Fantasy and comedy together. Yay or nay?

Other than that, hope you liked the chapter!

Please vote/comment/share/follow/message if you like my work! See you all next Sunday with a new chapter of TSOC! Have a great week!

Love you guys,


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