Chapter 8

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"I'm not your doll or anything,,, I'm a
human I have right, my life is my life not your's"
I said
"Your life is my life too"
He said I just stare at him
"Stay here you can't go out in this room without my permission"

He ignore me and leave

I cry silently
'why everyone treat me like I'm just a doll that they will decide of everything I need to do and not'

There is a soft knock
"Evelyn is me, Hanna can I come in?"
"Yes come in" I wipe my tears
"Sorry about Zoe she likes my brother that's why she act like that"
"What is she saying that I'm sitting in the Luna's sit?"
She sigh "my brother is the alpha, actually we are werewolves"
"What? Werewolves?"
"Yes don't be scared we don't want to hurt you ok? Trust me"
"I thought this is just fantasy now I can't believe it's true" I said Hanna laugh
"There so many things you still don't know"
"Yeah your right, and btw why am I sitting in the Luna's sit I'm not a werewolf" again she laughed actually my brother and you are mate
"What? Mate?"
"Yes mate, like uhm partner until end"
"Yeah I know but I'm a human" I said
"No your not I can't smell that your a human your scent is,,,, I can't smell it and no one can't too"
"What do you mean,,, I don't have a scent?" I ask
"Yes something like that and remember that you ask if I know your father? Yes I know him, his a werewolf like us too and his an alpha but he didn't meet his mate, he have a sister name Liana"
"Liana? That's my mother's name"
"What? Your mother is Liana?"
"Yes and you said my mother is my father sister?,,,, He lied again"
"Are you sure about that?" Hanna ask
"Yes I am" I said
"No wonder you look like her"
"What do you know about my mom?"
"My mom and your mother is best friend,,, my mother said that your mom fall to the mysterious guy they don't know anything about him until your mom got pregnant and gives birth that time Ronaldo is supposed to be the next alpha but both of them vanished,,, they run away"
"I think I know now"
"Are you ok?" Hanna ask
"Yeah I am"
"You should take a rest I gave you too much information"
"It's ok thanks" I said
"Ok I leave now" Hanna leave the room I stayed there until night they send me the lunch and dinner here they didn't allow me to leave the room

It's midnight I can't sleep I'll go to the window and open it
I inhale the cold air it's so fresh the moon is bright I look around I see this place has a beautiful view
I heard the door open I look,,,
it's alpha
"Your still up?" He ask
"I can't sleep" I said he nod and close the door he go to the closet and remove his clothes except to his underwear he grab something and throw at me
"wear this and sleep"
He gave me his white shirt
"Don't worry I won't touch or do anything stupid to you,, it's dark I can't see you anyway" he said I nod and I'll go the bathroom and got changed I look myself at the mirror the big shirt made me look like I'm wearing a dress but my legs are showing off 'agh anyway he said he won't touch me or do anything stupid it's dark he can't see me'

I leave the bathroom and see him fully dress and ready to sleep
"Can you sleep without a light?" He ask
"Yeah I can" I said and lay in bed he turn off the light and lay beside me
In a few minutes I can't sleep I ask him
"Hey are you still awake?"
"Nothing" I said
"Hanna said that were mate, is that true?" I ask
It took a seconds to answer
"Yeah" he said
"How? How did you know? Maybe your wrong?" I said and turn to look at him I can see his face by the moonlight

He look at me straight in my eyes
"Cause wolf can feel it and they never mistaken"
I nod
"I explain it to you next time not now, tonight you need to sleep"
I turn around and I cover the blanket in my body 'agh so cold'
He moves closer
I can feel his body in my back
'god his body is so warm'
He wrap his arms around me
"Don't move it's cold you need to get warm"
I nod and let him hug me
He move his head to the back of my neck I can feel his nose
His enjoying the smell of my hair

Why I feel this it's like,,,, I'm happy with him besides me


I woke up without him in my side I see the clothes and a little note in top of it I grab and read the short letter

Wake up sleepy head
Wear this you can go out now

"Ha! Finally yes!"
I'm so excited to go outside and take a look around I wear the dark blue pants is stretchable  "it's for a woman nice one" and white shirt this time the size is correct not big not small
I look at the mirror I look "hmm not bad I like it, I look like a pirate or something HAHAHA"

I go out of the room and look around there is no one
I go downstairs I heard a voice outside I look at the window and see them training
'so this is the werewolf doing'

The alpha said stop and they all stop and go back to their position
"Let's end this for today go and have breakfast"
They look happy and excited to eat they run immediately
They walk pass me some of them greet me

I look and see Hanna
"Hey Hanna! Morning"
"Good morning let's go grab some food"
"Yeah yeah" I said I look at the door and see him standing there looking at me

We go to the dining room and I sit again to the Luna's chair
And they still looking at me like why am I sitting here
"Ok I have announcement" the alpha said and stand
"She's Evelyn the daughter of Liana her uncle is Ronaldo Hestio Morris, she's my mate and your future Luna"
They all nod except for the one man
"How can that be? Look her family is werewolf but look at her, she's different just like a human"
"We investigating that part, we all suspect that there is some magic spell on her that's why her wolf is not awake" he said
all the people nod and the foods arrive
"Let's eat now"
He said and sit he didn't look at me
Hanna hold my hand she knows what I'm thinking right now she smile and I smile back we go eat silently the pack is happily chatting

This place is different they treat each other well they don't betray or lies, mine is different, mine is full of lies I didn't even know who's my true father all I wish is a happy and peaceful life a life full of trust, and love


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