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Author notes!!

You already know 2d your like friends or best friend's so yea oh and umm here are some of what the things mean so obviously y/n means Ur name y/n/n means your nickname f/c means  favourite cake um I also don't know any cool names to give these chapters also idrc if some are shorter than others because I just come up with them while walking home so they just walking thoughts and I just write until I have nothing left!💜

Y/n pov

I was just walking home until it started to rain. And when I mean rain I mean when its poring it down. Typical British rainy weather. Anyway while I was walking through town I got lost into deep thought about what happened earlier today. I was hanging out with 2d playing the guitar while he sang. God his voice. His voice is like a thousands, billion, million, angles stuffed into one person. Thinking about him put a small unnoticeable blush on my face.
I started to look down while walking home focusing on what was on the floor.

Then I bump into someone. "Ouch. Sorry I should really be looking at where I'm going," I said while holding my head. The other person just spat at me and continued walking. 'How rude' I thought to myself. When I got up I could feel my phone vibrating so I got it out and saw that 2d was calling. I picked up and said in a happy voice, "Hello 2d! What did ya wanna say?"
After a few seconds I could hear a worry 2d saying, "Ello (y/n).. I was just calling cus I haven't got ya message saying you made it home okay?" I giggled a bit at how worried he was for me. "I haven't even made it home yet silly. But I'm okay just had to pop to the shops to get a new (reading/writing/drawing) book," I said with a small laughter at the end. "Oh hehe well ya should of told me I've been worrying my butt off!" He said somewhat angry. "Errr hehe sorry. But you shouldn't worry about me so much," I said saying the last bit kinda of shyly but with a hint of serious. "Yea I know (y/n) but please do send me a text when your home okay!" 2d said "Yeah yeah I will almost at ma house anyway." I said kinda of relaxed to calm him down. "Okay well umm bye." 2d said while mumbling to himself about how stupidly worried he gets. I cheerfully said back "Yea bye bye" and with that I ended the call and started rushing home. By now I was soaking wet. 'Great' I said to myself.

Few minutes later and I had arrived home. I open the door to hear yelling from across the house saying "WHERE THE BLOODY HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!" I took a deep breath in then out. "I was just going out to see a friend of mine," I then closed the door. I could hear the person walking through the house to where I was. "In this weather condition? Did you even read the weather app you stupid child!" As soon as they said 'stupid child' I knew it was my drunk mum/dad. "Well I did but I didn't expect to come home so late," I said trying to calm her/him down. She/he just gave me this look then looked at me up then down. "Your are SOAKING wet! I can't believe you" while saying that she/he gave me a hard hit in the back of the neck. I flinched while my eyes started watering up. "Go get change and if any water gets on the floor or carpet ya out" she/he said while walking away like nothing happened. Luckily I hand some tissue on me so I tried to dry myself then walk through the house. I managed to not get any water droplets on the floor.

When I closed the door I had a smile on my face and got changed. I had a plan to get out of the house for a while. I got my phone out and started texting 2d.

(Y/n): hey stu I made it home safely can I ask ya something

2d: oh good and yea go ahead :)

(Y/n): can I stay round for a few weeks?

2d: ummmmmmmmm :/

(Y/n): pllllzzzz I just want to get away from my mum/dad

2d: okay but you have to come round tomorrow because I need to get the house ready! :3

(Y/n): thanks stu! Your a light saber!

2d: hehe funny pun there (y/n/n)

I put my phone on charge and got a bag ready trying not to make a lot of sound otherwise mum/dad will come up and ask what's going on. After packing two bags one full of clothes and things like that. The other full of games and fun things to do with stu.

Stuart pots (2d) pov

After she read my last text she went offline. "Probably to sort some bags out" I thought out loud to myself. I got up and started to find some spare bedding and blankets. I cleaned some space in my room and started making a bed on the floor for y/n to sleep on. I blushed at the thought of her sleeping in my room and staying for how ever long she needs to. I then started to clean around the house. I want it to look somewhat presentable and not like there's been fighting and people just throwing things about. "There all done" I smiled to myself. I then went back into my room and turned on my phone for any notifications. The only ones I got was news, fangirls in my DMS and a text from (y/n)! I quickly opened my phone and I read the text which said

(Y/n): stu can you pick out some movies! We can have a movie night!!! :)

I smiled at how cute she was being I started typing...

2d: yea I will! I will pick some comedy and some horror >:3

I put down my phone and went to look around my room for any food movies I had laying around. I picked out some funny cartoons movies, zombie movies and some other comedy movies which I know are y/n favourite!

I smiled to myself which shows my two missing teeth. I put the movies next to y/n's bed I made. I then went to the kitchen to see a passed out Noodle sitting at the table with a bowl half full of noodles. I giggled a bit. She must of been worn out with all the practice going on for the new songs.

I looked around in the cubards to find some ingredients to make f/c. I was really excited since I've never made this type of cake before but I wanted to give it ago. I may not be the best backer in town but I can make cupcakes which y/n loves to shreds! I had a confidant little smile on my face with a side of blush. I then started making the cake while carefully reading the text on a website about how to make it.

After pouring the cake mix into a tin thing I out it in the oven to cook. While waiting it to cook I thought about y/n and how I should confess to them.

I could feel myself drifting to sleep so I decided to make myself some PEPPERMINT TEA!!! My favourite type of tea. Already after a few sips I'm wide awake!

After drinking my peppermint tea I took the cake out of the oven and started making icing while to was cooling down. "This is going to be great" I said while adding icings to the cake. I made some black icing and started writing some lyrics to a gorilla song "hopefully she understands," I said with a bit of regret coating my voice. I then took another good look at the cake and out it in the fridge.

After that I ran upstairs to fall asleep. I want plenty of rest so I don't fall asleep while watching the movies!

After a few minutes of closing my eyes I had already drifted to sleep.💜

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