Can I Trust You? Chapter 5

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Aleks' POV

Damnit! Everything was fucked up! I fucked up! I started a fight with Liv even though she called me a fucker and I was so rude to Sam. Spencer had pulled me out the room to stop anything more than cussing at each other.

Sam didn't wanna talk and I didn't blame her. I guess I just work and see what happens.

James' POV

What the fuck is the office turning into. Fights, insults that are crazy! "Hey James come here!" I heard Liv shout.

"What's up?" "Who's Kylie?"
That's when I realized my phone was missing. Shit. She started reading off my text.

K:Hey Saturday was fun ;)
J: Yea wanna make plans for Tuesday?
K:Lol sure babe <3

"So...who's this Kylie? Is it the girl from the convention?" She looked me in the eyes like she was about to yell at me. "Yea.....i wa-" "When were you gonna tell James?" I sighed and looked down.

"Let me explain. I was gonna you guys tonight before I asked her out!" "So your gonna ask her to be your girlfriend?" She looked hurt. Like I just broke her heart. Does she like me? "Maybe....I don't know! Lets see if I have the balls to do it!" She nodded but her eyes started to tear up. "Liv, you ok?"

She looked up. "Huh? Yea why?" "You look like your about to cry." I was gonna hug her but she slapped my hand away. "Damn.....what the fuck Olivia?" She didn't say anything and just pointed at the door to leave.

I left very confused. I looked at Sam who was recording so I didn't wanna bother her. I just walked back to my office. I pretty sure one of my best friends just disowned me.

Liv's POV

NO! James was gonna ask out Kylie! I fucking ugh. I've had a crush on that boy before he knew I existed. Kylie seems cool but I wanted James! I started to cry quietly. Maybe Kylie isn't who she seems to be.....maybe she'll say no tonight. No. It's James! You doesn't wanna date him? His big brown eyes and his beautiful fucking smile!

I just needed to work to get him off my mind. Maybe that would work. I stared to edit my Smite video that had I just recorded. This day is pretty shitty.

*Time skip to the end if the day*

Sam' s POV

I started to pack up because it was the end of the day. I grabbed my stuff, got my phone and went to see if Liv was ready when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Thinking it was Jordan I perked up. It wasn't.

"What do you want Aleks?" Sounding more harsh then I wanted it to. "I know you don't wanna talk but please just give me two minutes!" He looked at me with begging eyes. I didn't know if I wanted to talk or flip him off and go home. I decided to give him the time to talk. "What?"

"Listen, I'm sorry so fucking sorry! I should have never said t-" "Just stop there Aleks! Sorry really isn't gonna cut it sweetheart." I didn't wanna deal with it. Not today at least. He looked heartbroken.

"Liv lets go...." I say dragging myself out the door. "BYE GUYS!!!" Liv screams. I rolled my eyes.

We got in the car as we waited for James. "So....why did you cut Aleks off?" I looked at her confused. "You heard us talking?" I had wide eyes. She always listens to my conversations. "Yea...."

"I cut him off cuz I don't wanna deal with at least. It's just too soon for an explanation! You know?" She nodded her head agreeing. We saw James walk out of the office with Aleks. "Lol nope I'm out!" "Sam what the fuck is he doing coming with us?"

I face palmed as Aleks was walked over to my window. Dont they understand I don't wanna talk right now. James tapped on the glass. I just shook my head no. He frowned. Aleks looked like he had been crying.

I rolled my eyes and opened TGE window as Liv looked at me like I was crazy. "Talk to him....." James walked away. I slapped Aleks and rolled up my window. "YOUR SUCH A BITCH!" "I KNOW BUT IT COMES IN HANDY!" We screamed at each other through the window.

James got in the car so fucking angry. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU DONT SLAP HIM WHEN HE'S TRYING TO TALK!" I just huffed and he drove. Aleks walked into the office.

"James are you gonna tell Sam?" I looked back at Liv and raised an eyebrow. James sighed through his nose. "Ok Sam you know Kylie from the convention?," I nodded yes. "I've been going on dates with her for about 3 weeks........and I wanna ask her out tonight!" I looked at Liv whom looked like she was gonna cry. She has like him forever and a day! Shit. "That's......amazing James!" I gave him a fake smile. I was happy for him but Liv was hurt.

The rest of the ride was silent. He dropped us off and we walked inside. Liv ran up to her room with her head in her hands.

I feel really fucking bad! Today is shitty as all hell. I walked upstairs to Olivia's room with some chips and video games.

I stood at her doorway with the items. "Babe, are you okay?" She shrugged her shoulders, turns streamed her face. "Hey....listen you never know if it's gonna work out or not....." "NO! It's gonna work out.......they seemed really into each at the convention and through texts....." She started bawling with tears. "I-I have some chips and shit......" She gave a smile and took the game out of my hand.

*time skip to 10:00pm*

Liv's POV

"DAMNIT! FUCKING MARIO!" Sam had died again in Smash Brothers. I just laughed my ass off. "Wow you suck!" She punched me on the shoulder and laid down on my bed. "Dude! It's 10:00pm.....we played for four hours straight!" "Oh shit!"

We just laughed and continued playing. Shit days can turn into good nights.

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