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After getting booed and food thrown at the musical showcase, the Dazzlings ran out into the streets, far away from the musical showcase. They panted and breathed heavily untill they made it to a stop. Adagio finally catched her breath and sighed. "Girls... We're finally here." Adagio looked at her hair, full of tomatoes and other food. "It takes me so long to do my hair." Adagio groaned. Sonata giggled quietly and Aria just crossed her arms, as usual. "Soooo, where do you think we should go now?" Sonata asked, still smiling. "I don't know." Adagio said. "Hey! We should rent an apartment, I heard there's some available for rent."

The two nodded at Aria's idea and they rented an apartment on the streets and walked into their new apartment. "It's so comfy here girls." Adagio smiled. "I hope they have tacos!" Sonata bounced excitedly. Aria groaned. "Finally, a place to relax my legs. I don't know about you girls, but I'm tired."

Sonata nodded. "Me too! And we're in luck. There's three bedrooms, for the three of us! I'll take the bi-" Adagio interrupted. "I'll take the big one since I'm the leader. You two will have the smaller bedrooms. First I need to take a shower to get the tomatoes and stuff out of my hair..." Sonata and Aria nodded and walked to their bedrooms to sleep and get tucked in. Adagio walked into the bathroom and locked the door. She stripped off her clothes and got in the shower and washed out all of the stuff in her hair. Then she got out and put clean PJ's on and brushed her hair and brushed her teeth and took care of business on the toilet then walked out of the bathroom, then she walked to her bedroom and got in bed and slept.

~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~

Adagio got up the earliest and yawned. She got out of bed and looked at the clothes in her dresser and put on a purple off the shoulder top, with half of her bra showing. She put on some dark purple shorts and white and purple striped socks. Since she was in an apartment she didn't need to put on shoes. "This looks good." Adagio took the brush off her dresser and started brushing her hair since it was messy. She got up and walked to the bathroom and brushed her teeth then walked out. 

"I guess I should make breakfast for those two, including myself." She went to the kitchen, it wasn't that fancy but it was comfortable and cozy. She started preparing pancakes and once they were done she placed them on the table for the other two. She set her chair just right and started eating.

Both Sonata and Aria got up and got ready and brushed their teeth. Sonata was wearing a blue short sleeved shirt with some dark blue shorts and a necklace with a music note on it, and her hair in a ponytail as always. Aria actually let her hair down and she wore a green tanktop with some glitter on it and the same jeans she wore. Aria wore green socks with purple polka dots, and Sonata wore blue with pink stripes socks. They both brushed their teeth and walked out and breakfast was right at the table waiting for them.

"Wow, Adagio! These pancakes look delicious! I can't wait to eat something different other than negative energy!" Sonata smiled. Aria agreed. "Thanks!" Adagio smiled too. They both sat at the table eating their breakfast, and Adagio was already done so she put her plate away. Sonata and Aria finished eating too. So they played fun and games and stuff other than just singing even though they practiced sometimes since they were eager to get their voices back then they ate dinner, had dessert and went to sleep, they repeated this process for a month like the usual.

~~~~~~~~~One Month Later~~~~~~~

At school the Rainbooms were in their practice area, they were singing songs ever since they got to school. Fluttershy got up and sighed. "Rainbow, don't you think we've had enough? My voice is starting to hurt." She groaned and said quietly. "We really can't stop now, Fluttershy. We still have to practice!" Sunset got up. "I actually agree with Fluttershy. All I've been doing really for the past minutes is writing out the songs that we've been singing and my hand starts to hurt!"

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