Chapter 2

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A/N: Picture is of Mystery

*Drew's POV*

I was looking at Hunter from a distance and mentally growled. We were in 6th grade together and we were best friends, inseparable basically. When we started 9th grade, everything changed. He ditched me for girls, sex, and money.

He tried to turn me into like him but I simply refused. Ever since then, we both stared to despise each other. He was sitting at his usual table that had a ton of girls flaunting their chests in Hunter's face, My face scrunched up and I looked away.

I looked down at Mystery and grinned. She's perfection. From her long brown hair, to her big brown eyes, those beautiful pink luscious lips. Just everything about her. But, I can tell that she has a secret behind those chocolate brown eyes. Just like her name, she's a mystery. But I'm willing to solve.

*Mystery's POV*

I looked down at my lunch and picked at it. I couldn't eat, I just can't. I'm already fat enough, I can't afford to gain anymore weight.

"Hey, why aren't you eating?" Drew asked concernly.

"I'm not hungry." I smiled. "Lies." I thought. I'm always hungry, I just don't admit it.

"Are you sure? I don't want you passing out."

I nodded my head. "I'm fine." I mumbled. I gave Drew another smile and took out my phone. I checked my Tumblr and Instagram and followed back some people and liked a few pictures.

When Drew threw away his trash, that's when the bell rang. Everyone scurried off to class. Drew and I entered the science class awaiting a lecture about stuff we're not going to need to know in the future.

When school ended, Drew and I were walking out onto the school parking lot.

"Well, tomorrow is Saturday, and I was wondering, if you wanna hang out." Drew announced, scratching the back of his head.

I was quite surprised since people hardly ever invite me to places. "Uhh, yeah, sure." I answered with a grin.

"Cool, here's my number by the way." he said handing me a slip of paper.

"Okay, thanks. I'm gonna go now, bye, I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled.

"Yeah, see you later. Bye!" Drew smiled widely.

I started walking home after me and Drew said bye. Unfortunately, I forgot my headphones in my room so I couldn't listen to music. I hate playing music outloud when it's with people I don't know. It's weird, I know.

After about 5 minutes of walking, I finally made it to my new house. It was quite big, but not too big. My mom wasn't home yet so I just went straight up into my room.

Since no one was home, I put on Hey Baby by blessthefall on and started singing. I sang while finishing science and math homework.

Luckily, it wasn't hard and I finished it in less than 10 minutes. When I was finished with homework, I started texting my cousin, Bruce. Bruce and I have been close ever since birth and he's the only person that I trust everything with and vice versa.

He lives in Texas, so I barely get to see him, but we Skype all the time.



Hey Bruce-y!!!
Wanna Skype??
Sure! U call mee

When Bruce picked up, I told him everything that happened at school.

"Well, it seems that the Hunter dude just wants to get in your pants and Drew likes you." Bruce said simply.

"Woah, woah, woah. Drew does not like me." I retorted.

"C'mon Mist. He randomly started talking to you and he's showing signs of caring and loving. He obviously likes you." Bruce exclaimed.

"Whatever. I'll believe what I believe and you believe what you believe." I sighed.

I thought about Bruce's words again. What if Drew does actually like me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2015 ⏰

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