Chapter One Introduction

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As I blink open my eyes awake; I breathe in the fresh air of a new day. As I lay in my bed staring at the roof of the log cabin, I think of the new challenges and activities the day will bring to me. I sit up and look around at my cabin mates. Number 3: Cabin, AKA The Renaissance Team. Our score well excided most other Cabins, yet we stood neck in neck with Number 23: Cabin, AKA The Restrictors. With our winning numbers well above 35 and the final days of camp approaching, our Cabin would need to do everything possible to win Cabin of the Year.

            Alas, the bell of awakening sounds off in the distance and the rest of the Cabin begins to stir. With the meal of the starting day in a couple of minutes, we needed to get ready.

            “Awaken my Cabin mates.” I yell. “Today shall be the day in our favor. We shall earn todays winning points and surpass Cabin 23’s expectations.”

            “Calm down Samuel,” Pete yawns as he tosses about his blankets then moves to sit on the edge of his bed. “We already have yesterday’s winnings and we shall purchase new rations and supplies so to ready ourselves for today’s winnings.”

            “I agree with Pete, we have much to do before today’s activities.” Mumbled Ben, “Thus we must begin to prepare for today’s meal of the new day. Captain, shall we start the day?”

            “Let us.” Replied Captain. As life began to move around Cabin 3’s area, I stared at my Cabin mates with awe. Pete was a tall male with brown hair. He had an athletic body with sharp shooting skills. Ben, the medium sized male with light brown eyes was the navigational teammate. However undetermined he was, he could guide us anywhere. Last but not least Red the captain of our Cabin. Red was known for his bravery, loyalty and his thinking skills. The tallest of us all, Red dyed his hair the color of his name for the reverence of his father’s death within the camps games. His planning is what keeps us above other Cabins. And me. Given the name Samuel by my birth mother, I was the swordsman with the secret ability. Well with joisting and other camp activities. If needed, I could use the finishing blow.

            As I set my camp clothing on, the others wait for me standing by the Cabin exit. They wear the same as me; a red t-shirt with a circle and six sticks pointing the inside on the left shoulder sleeve. This is our Cabin’s symbol, a symbol of hope for us, a symbol of Red’s father’s death.

            We leave for the mess hall where our daily meals are provided and announcements are made. We enter and choose a table for four at the right hand area closest to the announcement stage. The mess hall was an enormous structure, able to provide room for hundreds of Cabins and their members. With its gray tile flooring and wooded walls, this room was in the center of the camp. It was the easiest and safest place in camp to fine.

            “Well look who it is.” Says Ben as he points his finger to the direction behind us. “It’s the Restrictors.” He growls.

The Restrictors had a team of five Cabin mates. Although each team can have no more than six and less than two teammates, Cabin 23 had the most members in its team. Ro was the brain on there team. Being a 5-foot blonde Ro made the most mistakes, but could devise a sinister ploy. Liana and Diana were the bold, the beautiful, and the broad of the team. Liana with her long blonde hair and Diana with her short brown hair were the strongest on the team, but were constantly in conflict with each other. Often I heard stories of them fighting in mid contest when stakes could not be higher. Ethan was the captain of the Restrictors but the one you needed to look out for was Tony, a man of many mysteries. Tony was by far the scariest looking camper. Never showing his face, Tony hides his power along with his face under a hoodie. No team was ever known to win in hand to hand contests with Tony.

            “Oh don’t let them get to you Ben. Today’s a new day and we shall beat them to the winnings.” Red simply stated. “Now shush, Anthony is about to speak.”

            Anthony was the director of the camp and as such, he was the announcer. Anthony was a man in his middle ages with rainbow hair (due to a camp activity) and a light blue t-shirt with a black tie. As he steps onto the stage the mess hall silences in anticipation for todays challenge for winnings.

            “As you know, congratulations is in order for Number 3: Cabin, AKA The Renaissance Team for yesterdays horse back winnings.” We cheer as we are announced.  “They proved themselves most exceptional.” Anthony continues. “But today proves to have a more difficult challenge. Today’s challenge is a scavenger hunt/race. The winning Cabin will be awarded 5 points also 3,000 spending points to use for supplies for the upcoming day.”

            “3,000? That’s more than we could ever have hoped for!” Shouted Red.

            “Yes this sounds unbelievable, but trust me. This challenge is a medium leveled challenge. Well above its reward grade, the winning team shall be rewarded with every cent of the 3,000. This I promise. Now listen as I tell you what you are looking for.” Anthony breathes deeply, then speaks “The item you look is something very weak, one from a species so small and pathetic is what you seek. Not on this world or nun in an ease reach, you will find it in farther parts of the system Regoneach.” As he finishes, he stands silently scanning us as if we would be confused, however Ben already had the answer.

            “I got it!” Spoke Ben in a hushed voice. Leaning closer as to not alert the other teams he whispers, “Anthony wants us to bring him a human!”

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