She hurts you and immediately regrets it

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The screaming match between you and Demi had been going on for about forty-five minutes now.

Fights, arguments, between you and Demi were rare but when they did occur, it was usually over something so small and pointless of things. What was it this time? Demi had just returned home after a day at the studio and it was very clear to you that she had a bad day as she came home in a bad mood. You weren't feeling that well throughout the day due to a migraine and had been taking it easy. The price you paid was for you not taking in your part in keeping up on the house work and Demi was usually very understanding of these things. But not today. As of right now, coming home to it not being tended to was the end of the world for her. It was quite ridiculous persay, the way she was lashing out at you right now as you remained standing still, as if your feet were glued to the floor and as you were fighting back the tears from her outburst.

"Is it too much to ask that I come home to a clean house?! What the hell have you been doing today, besides sitting on your ass all damn day in front of that tv, doing absolutely nothing?"

"I'm sorry, Demi. I've been dealing with a migraine all day and not feeling well. I could hardly even move withou-" she doesn't let you finish explaining as she cuts you in mid sentence.

"Since when are you not sick?! God, Y/n! That's like what? About the fourth time this month hearing that you're dealing with a migraine! Deny it all you want, but I know you are literally sitting on your ass in front of the tv."

As you begin to hear her voice raising every word she says through now gritted teeth, you begin to feel scared and take a step back when she looks the other way, not noticing your actions. You kept silent as she continues, and what she says next, made you feel your heart shatter into tiny little pieces.

"You know I can kick you out, right? After all, this is more my house than yours."

You feel your heart begin to race as memories of your parents kicking you out came through. If she actually throws you out, you could only seek refuge from the streets.

"Maybe your parents were right to kick you out, if this was how you were at hom-" she stood in mid sentence once she notices the tears running down your cheeks.

Demi than realized what she had just said and immediately regrets it all. It was too late to take it back the words that had spilled from her lips, but she so badly wanted to. If she could, she would reverse time if it meant she would be able to do so; it wasn't a possibility.

Her face softens when she tries to take a step towards you. Slowly, yet cautiously.

You had thought about running to your bedroom and locking yourself in, but your feet wouldn't let you as you remained where you were. You thought about pushing Demi away as she wrapped you in her embrace, but you didn't. You thought about speaking up first, but your dry voice wouldn't let you, allowing Demi to be the first.

"Oh, Y/n, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." You choked out.

"No, it's not okay. I cane home from a bad day and took it out on you. That was something I shouldn't have done, especially to the one I love most."

You couldn't help but let your lips form a small smile when you heard her say that out loud.

"I know I can't take it back, but is there anyway I can make this up to you? Or try to, at least?"

You thought about it for a minute before giving her your response.

"Can we just forget this ever happened?"

"Already done." She says, giving you a warm and loving smile.

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