"Poor senpai!"

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It was in the middle of a volleyball game, and everything was going well. And everything was going well, not until date techs setter noticed hinata. Instead of throwing the ball to Kenji he tripped and fell onto the ground. Everyone was stunned! Hinata then ran down to help instead of date techs own manager.
"Poor senpai! Are you oki?" Hinata then looks at Kanames bleeding head and got out his trusty napkin, as he dabs the napkin of the blood. "OW HINATA IM SOOOO HURT." Yorokobi (oc) dramatically said, while hinata hearts set on kanames injury. "You oki?" Kanames eyes then opened, as his eyes lock with a angels carmel eyes. "Senpai? How much fingers am i holding up?" Hinata asks as he answers with a "two..?" Hinata then sighs and smiles. "Im relieved your o-" "Hinata! Hinata onichan!" Natsu then runs over to shoyo as he remembers something. "I have to go bye!" He says, as kanames left with a napkin, with a blood stain. "GIMME THAT!" Yells Kenji as kaname yells back "NO THAT GODDESS LEFT IT FOR ME!"
Training chap:3

It was so hot, and stuffy, after that match with Date Tech High. "You guys did amazing! Didnt they kiyoko?" Asks yachi as hinata nods in approval. "Very good yachi, infact so good, they can do more training," says kiyoko. "But-" noya was then cut off by hinata. "Noya~senpai its good for games. Plus if you try your best I'll give you a reward!" Noya then thinks of what could 'happen', as a sinful face appears on his face. "Oki then my kohai!" Hinata giggles at his enthusiasm while Kageyama, Yamagucchi, and Tsukkishima watch jealous. "Ofcourse its the same for you guys!" Chirps yachi.
Hinata then nods as he compliments them all. "LETS DO THIS!!" Yells kageyama as Tsukkishima, Yamagucchi, enoshita and Nishinoya yell, "YES!".
.a few hours later.
"Dang...lets stop this..." says Nishinoya, as hinata smiles and gets some food out.
"Whats this?" Asks dino boi. "Some cookies, macaroons, and cupcakes. And some kisses!" They blush at the last part.
"They candy, simps..." Says kiyoko, as she takes a cookie and examines it. "You made this?" She says, as yachi takes a bite. "Mmmmf mff!" "Yachi, thats imprudent. Pleaee dont talk when you eat." Says shoyo as he takes a bit of crumb off her lips. "There all bet-" hinata then blushes when he see nishinoya all up in his face with crumbs all over his cheeks, while some what of a line forms.
Hinata smiles, as he wipes the crumbs off of noyas face. 'I thought he would hit me...' noya then blushes as he runs off eating more. "K-k-kageyama?!" Hinata questions, as the king rolls his eyes.
.after 4 volleyball players are satisfied
Hinata then thought of something, 'what if we made a karusuno volleyball fin day? We could get money and make a volleyball competition?' He then told the idea to the team. "Best thing we could do is invite the rest of the teams in miyagi. After that, we can use the left over money to go to America and practice there." Everyone was stunned with Hinatas idea, "what will we do there?" Asks yamagucchi, "well practice beach volleyball, face other harder schools." Daichi then nods at ukai, as ukai nods in approval. "How long will the trip last?" Hinatas, Kiyokos, Yachi eyes all light up.
"Thank you, coach ukai!" Yells Hinata as he hugs him, this was most unexpected since he looked mature and to classy to care about hugs. Ukai then hugs back as hinata smiles. "Most unexpected of me, quite sorry," as Hinata blushes because of how he acted. "No need," coach says, hinata then started to smile.

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