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Will stumbled back as time seemed to slow down . The crying and yelling turned distant and he felt like he was underwater . He didn't want to be the there , but he couldn't escape either . The darkness turned around him forming a ball and capturing will in it . 

Removing his blood-y gloves , he rushes over to the bathroom and locks the door . Dropping his head on the door , hot tears fell from his cheeks . Tears that were raw and heartbreaking . Bringing his legs closer to his chest , he wrapped up in a ball and tried to forget about it 

But he couldn't 

Using the walls as his support , Will slowly got up and looked at himself in the mirror . His eyes were puffy and he was dejected.  Turning on the tap  , he cupped his hand under the water and splashed some on his face . The icy cold water seemed to bring him back to reality but he dint want to be there either .

How could he have let this happen , why didn't he do it when he could . Thoughts wondered in his head and guilt filled his whole body . Stepping out of the hospital , Will walked as the small droplets of water fell on him,  mixing with his salty tears . The rain only grew harsher and in a way , he enjoyed  the slight pain he was feeling.  Maybe that's what he deserved.  

Walking the streets of New York that were now grey he remembered the time the Johnsons would come over to their house and help them .he arrived at a park that looked gloomy in the rain and decided to sit on the swings . The hollow nessus e felt right now could not be put in words . He sat there for God's knows how long but it was dark and will knew it was very late.

 Reaching his apartment , he hesitated for a moment before searching his pocket and finding the key . Inserting it , he took a deep breath before turning the key and opening the door . Will groaned as the well lit room hit his face . Everything looked happy in here ... it shouldn't Be like that .He spotted his roomate on their couch . Usually he would always feel the butterflies erupt in his stomach whenever he looked upon his emo friend , but not today.

"Where the hell were you William Solace !? Do you have any idea how late it is ?!?"

"Sorry, lost track of time ... I am gonna shower and then directly go to bed . You eat food if you haven't. Good night "

Nico looked shocked for a second and was about to make a remark but Will was already out of sight. Nico sat on the kitchen counter , his macrooni and cheese laid in a bowl right in front of him . Unenthusiastically,  he poked one pasta with his work and at are doing at it for at while before popping it in his mouth and slowly chewing .

Nico stared at the empty chair ahead of him and longed for Will's company . Pushing his plate aside , Nico pondered upon going over to check on him and decided that it was necessary . 

Standing up from his seat , he walked over to the door and knocked once . Upon hearing no response , nico knocked again . Noone seemed to answer so he placed his hand on the doorknob and slowly opened the door. The door creaked open and Nico entered the room 

He immediately spotted will lying on his bed .... shirtless . Heat rose to his cheek and nico felt as if he were burning . Those millions of butterflies erupted in his stomach and he tried to calm his extremely fast beating heart . 

His emotion though quickly changed as he saw the tears on his face . Going up to him , he lazily dragged his hand along Will's hair . 

"Hey, are you okay" He asked , concern seeping through his words

"Not really.." Nico's frown deepened as he forced will to sit up . 

"Ok come on , tell me what happened"

Will sniffed once and slowly started speaking "we lost a patient today-- " his voice barely over a whisper "--this couple,  the Johnsons,  came in because her water had broken . We took her into the theatre but she was just to tired to push . We tried the vacuum and everything but the baby wasn't crowning . "

Will had started to cry now and Nico reached up to wipe his tears "..then?"

"Matters went worse when she fainted and her heart beat slowed down dangerously ... it was chaotic , we tried everything but we couldn't save the baby but if we would have given her this one sedative in the beginning she might have gone through this , but it's really risky so I ordered them not to......it's all my fault .... I am responsible for her death ... i--"

Nico grabbed will by the head and slowly engulfed him in a warm hug . He let will cry into his chest as he rubbed soothing circles on His back 

"Shut up. ... this was not your fault . If you would have given it to her she may have died too right ?... I know it's gonna be hard for them to cope up but they have each other and I know those people really love each other .... Noone is blaming you okay ... Noone is allowed to blame you . Cause you will , you are the greatest guy in the world , you bring out the best in everything and see the best in everyone . I don't know how to say this but will you are the most amazing , handsome, caring and loving person in this world ok . you always put others before you but you can't save everyone all the time ,death is a part of life ... and even though that child didn't get her life , you can't blame yourself  cause you did everything you had ... and that's a lot"

Will stopped crying as nico talked . He looked up from Nico's chest with big watery eyes .  Blue  against his dark black ones . Will needed this warmth and this love . Looking at nico again , will slowly rose his face until their lips were touching . He felt nico's breath hitch but he didn't pull back nonetheless . Their lips met and butterflies erupted . Warmth filled both their bodies as their lips moved in a slow , elegant manner . 

Will let nico fall on the bed before hovering over him . They attached their shoulders together once they pulled apart . . They held each others gaze as Nico raised his hand and brushed a few of his blond curls out of Will's face . "I love you Will" He whispered with his eyes closed , before opening them again and staring at him with pure adoration

"I-I love you too"


So , I finally edited one thing . I still have a lot of things to edit and a lot of things to write . 

I should be back for good now and might upload something atleast once a week .

Anyways , tell me how you found this story and if there is anything I can improve at 

Vote and comment !!

Love ya'll

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