chapter one (edited)

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Yui information
A girl with mystery, had a bitter past. Not everyone knows her past. She got trust issues, mommy issues (biology mother) , daddy issue (ex-step father) and lost her brother. An ex, she still find attractive and good enough to date but can't get back with him. Curse words, always holding hand with her.


"Don't u dare to do that again."
Yui said as she let the boy fall from her grip, making him fall down on the floor with blood was rushing out of his body.

"Okay everyone, move from the scene ,just our group should be there."
Eunbin, someone Yui trust said the words and in a minute everyone disappeared. She was the one who taught her to stand up for herself.

"That's my power"
Yui proudly said and flashed her smile.

" Now can anyone tell me what just happened ?"
Ren, another one who Yui trusted the most said. He was the one, she was most close to.

"Yui beaten the shit out of him duh."
Dara, another one Yui trusted said. She is the one who taught her to be savage.

" I know but why??"
Ren said while he checked the beaten boy. The fight wasn't easy for her but she never liked those people who won't fight back.

" He hacked Yui's phone."
Zelo, elder brother of Ren and Eunbin' boyfriend said. Other person she trusted . He further explained the parts to Ren, who missed the tea earlier.

" Okay now stop, let's go to our class"
Dara said and called a student to take the beaten guy to the nursing room.

<In class>

As the group of five entered the class, it went silent like that when a teacher enters. The silence was worth it. It was the power the group held in the school.

They all moved to their following seats arranged by the teacher which separated them in different places in the class. They had a little chit chat with their following seatmate until the subject teacher came in the class. Everyone stood up, bowed and greeted the teacher with a 'good morning'. Even the group of troublemakers have manners and respect for their elder, standing and greeting them won't harm them at all.

Even respect is a key to communication. But something annoying always come in way, doesn't it? The principal of the school was the one who did the annoying work to them. She would always complain to Yui's mother about the fights of school in which she is involved. The other four were tension free about complains because they had no guardian. But yet, Yui's mother was the group's mother too. Caring, loving but also someone they feared at moments.

Yui gulped as she would have to face her mother today. The mommy issues of her biology mother affected the relationship of both. Yui was adopted by this mother of her.

She shook her head and continued focusing on the lecture and took notes while her mind would keep going away to those unusual thoughts.

<At home>

"Mom I am home!"
Yui shouted as she threw her school bag on the floor. Untied her shoe laces and got up, marching to kitchen in search of something good to eat.

"My princess came."
Her mother hugged her. She looked blankly at the floor. The word was like a trigger to her. The word always bought those bitter memories back to her. There were those sweet memories hidden along making her melt in it. She did told her mother not to call her with those nicknames but her mother would love to shower her with those nicknames. Only if she knew those words even sometimes work as trigger to her.

"Also, yui I need to talk."
The tone turned to serious. As she knew, a consequence was waiting for her.

"Come sit here."
She said as she took a seat on the comfortable couch and said Yui to sit opposite to her.

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