I wish i was heather

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❌Cheating, possible triggers U BEEN WARNED AIGHT?❌

I still remember third of December
Me in your sweater, you said it looked better
On me, than it did you, only if you knew
How much I liked you, but I watch your eyes
As she walks by...What a sight for sore eyes

It was so cold outside. The frozen over ground and steps were glazed in shimmering ice as she looked onward, waiting, on the porch to see him. His flamboyant hair and pale skin. His unique style. She waited. Her fingers were going numb but she couldn't go back in. What if he came back? What if he arrived when she was finding a jacket and gloves. She couldn't miss him. He would leave all to soon. She had to be there.

   'He'll come back I know he will..' she had a small set smile on her face. The thought of their first encounters rambling on like a poorly broadcasted sitcom in her head. It was so cold, the freezing temperature was like static. She looked to her side, shivering violently and saw a box of matches. A small smile crossed her features as she opened the match box, her hands shaking violently as she drew out a single stick.


   A small flame brewed in the violent winds that she protected, the warmth from the little fire helped her to close her eyes in comfort. Imagining the warm arms of her lover. She imagined her times with him.

Brighter than the blue sky
She's got you mesmerized
While I die
Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty

Staring at the blue sky on top of trick tower she looked to the flamboyant male and gave a large grin, one that made her eyes shut as she flashed her pearly whites.

    "I'll fight you! I'll beat you to the bottom of this tower! Just watch me! I'll sock ya' right in the kisser!" She laughed haughtily at the male who only rose a slender brow. The boyishly dressed female hopped up before slamming down onto the tile, proceeding to land on the ground softly but not without an earned 'ouch!'

     "I see we meet so soon after saying farewell~" the man purred. The female gave a sour and slightly embarrassed glare. "I-I didn't know we'd be teamed up!" She argued. He only chuckled as she sent out a warning blast of nen. His eyes got sharp and he slammed her into the wall behind.

     "Ah~ don't push me like that darling!" He got close to her face and leaned to her ear, "you'll have to face the consequences of turning me on so much!~" he groaned with a dangerous smirk. Her face turned beet red as she focused her nen to her arms and shoved him off.

     She took another match from the box and with slightly blue fingers, shakily lit the next match, enjoying the warmth as her nose burned with unshed tears of worry. 'Where is he? I hope he's alright...'

You gave her your sweater
It's just polyester
But you like her better
Wish I were Heather
Watch as she stands with her holding your hand

She watched upset as Hisoka flirted with the staff at Heavens Tower Arena. She felt upset and darker emotions blur in her chest as her hands clenched and unclenched. Trying to control her nen as to not alert Hisoka of her jealousy and dislike. The female couldn't help but take in the other woman's appearance. She had the usual worker staff uniform with a couple buttons undone. Her full lips and long thick lashes batted at the muscular man undeniably interested in him.

      'I'll show him...I'll show him how strong I am! He values that more over some...some...long lashed chick!' She felt her cheeks ache as she bit down on the flesh to distract her from her burning nose and the pressure behind her eyes. But the image of him flirting with the stranger. The image of her giving bedroom eyes. It was burned into her eyelids. It made her so jealous she wanted to scream and cry. She knew what he saw her as. And she knew his views would never change.

Heather (Hisoka x reader one shot)Where stories live. Discover now