Chapter One:The Inner Workings of a Lovesick Mind

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How's it going HIM fans? Well, I've decided just recently to make a VV fanfic. I'm sorry if I've already accepted a request from one of you guys. I'll get to it soon <3 

MUST READ!:I've also decided  not to post the second chapter of this until I get 5+ votes or comments. This way, I wont have to worry about switching stories every five minutes.

    Cold harsh weather froze Ville Valo to his core. But nevertheless, it was home.

 The snow fell silently from the sky, blanketing the Scandinavian city. Helsinki, or Frozen Hell as Ville called it, was covered with at least three feet of the frozen rain. Still, the Finnish man didn't mind. Truthfully, it took him back to the Golden Years as a child, while playing in the snow with his Mother, Father, & brother. Sadly, those days were gone now; & how wasted they were.

    As Ville was in thought, he shuffled through the white blanket, soaking the bottoms of his jeans, to the front door of his tower. Now this was home. Even Elizabeth Bathory would call it her dwelling. Here, he felt safe & secured from all the bull shit that the world could force upon him. But if the big yellow sign on his door stating: I want to be alone with Thank You underneath didn't make it clear, then he would make it very clear that he was to be left to himself.

    When he entered, Ville smiled to himself. Already he could feel the creative juices flowing through his veins, yet he hadn't even picked up pencil & paper. When he did, the creativity coursed through his finger tips & pencil & onto the blank canvas. He wrote for hours on end & didn't stop until well after midnight. With a grin plastered to his pale face & his hand writhing in pain, Ville retreated to his bathroom for a hot shower.


    He turned the knob,white with diagrams colored in red & a faded blue, while watching the water trickle down. The shower head, grey with rust stains, sputtered to life.  In seconds, the trickle became a steaming hot river, saturating him.  The water rolled down his neck & back, relaxing his aching muscles. He ran his slender fingers through his now black hair, getting rid of the soapy substance. He breathed in the heated air & smiled. He was already feeling at ease. Quietly & full of confidence, he began to sing.

Here we are

In the maelstrom of love

Waiting for the calm

To soothe our hearts

Here we are

& don't know how to stop

Waiting for the war

To end it all

Love is insane & Baby

We are too

It's our hearts little grave

& the salt in our wounds...


    After the shower, he quickly dried himself off, pulled on some pajama pants & an old band t-shirt & crawled into bed. All snugged in his bed, Ville closed his eyes, mumbling the last lines of his masterpiece.

"All dreams are of you, My Venus Doom." It wasn't long before he fell into a deep sleep.


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