a place to call home

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I have to get away, I need to escape. I am surrounded, flooded with thoughts and opinions of others, of my stupid family. Im drowning in doubt and hurt by the words thrown at me. Words of hate about who I am and my parents, but the problem is I dont know who I am, and I dont know anything about my parents. I know Im not who I was born to be, and I know Im who I am supposed to be with and thats my parents. I just need to find out where they are.

"dont say you need to be with your parents. Youre only a stupid child. Your just confused. I raised you better than they ever could" echoes down the hall as my uncle yells at me as I walk away. I never really got along well with him. I never really got along with any of his family. After all they forced me away from my parents when I was little. He never thought they were fit to be parents because they were not married and quite young but from what I remember they were the best parents ever. They raised me better than he did. They tried their best and they did what needed to be done.

I still remember that night. My uncle storming in the house. BANG! The door was thrown on the flour, my parents rush in front of me. Both Mum and Dad protecting me from him and trying their best to keep me with them, mum yelling at me "Sno run." (My birth name. my uncle hated it so always called me Samantha. I hate that name, but Im stuck with it.) I didnt run. I could run. I didnt want to let go of my mum. All they ever did was try to protect me from my uncle. But it didnt work. My dad was shoved out the way and hit his head. I do not know what happened to him but Im going to find him. Im going to find Mum. Theyre my only hope.

"do not walk away from me Samantha, under this roof you do as your told". I dont listen and lock myself in my room. I grab the biggest bag I can find, pack it to the brim of clothes and hide the bag in my wardrobe. I cant leave now; I have to get food and water and its too light to leave. I charge my phone and a portable charger and then just wait.

I sit down on my bed and just wait. I read for a bit, I sleep for what feels like an hour but turns out to be four. the light on the table shines in my eyes as they flutter open. blinded, I sit back up to be greeted by the dark night with stars as bright as the eyes of a joyful child. the book on my lap slides as I shift out my bed. finally, and after what feels like forever, I hear my uncle snoring away. I grab my bag out the wardrobe and another to put food in. I check my cousins are in their rooms before sneaking downstairs to the kitchen. I fill the second bag with food and water before grabbing money and walking out the door. Just me and my stuff. Me and some freedom.

I really didn't think this through. I really should have planned this out. a treacherous walk up a hill, as tears fill my eyes at thoughts of not finding my parents flood my mind and any hope I had fades away. hours of hills and valleys later the sun is trying to peek over the horizon as a town approaches my sight. I see a modern luxurious hotel. The first hotel so far so I approach and the second I open the door I am overwhelmed by how warm and welcoming this building is. I stand frozen in the doorway, in complete shock and exhausted. It only takes a minuet before a staff member approaches me.

"hey there sweety, is there anything I can help you with?" she says. Her voice. Ive heard that voice before. I look up at the gentle sweet lady and open my mouth ready to speak, but I cant. Something has come over me and I cant seem to speak. I look at her, just stare for a minute before I realise whats happening and stutter.

"a um bed um room please" my brain fails me as I attempt to speak. I really hate this situation. I hide my face with my long, soft, blue hair so I dont have to show how embarrassed I am. She giggles at me a little bit before walking away to the front desk. She looks down at the computer than back up at me, her eyes are as blue as my uncles, her smile shines bright but quickly drops to a look of confusion. Her blue eyes dance across my face. Her jaw drops and a look of realisation and shock appears.

She slowly composes herself before asking for a name. She asks for my name. "its Sno Wolf." I say in a quite tone. I love my name. Sno like a snowflake, delicate yet deadly and Wolf. A ferocious animal that I personally think is misunderstood. It only hurts people when its scared, not just because it can. I smile to myself, loving being able to use my birth name.

"Sno?" she asks. Im confused as to why but nod regardless. I run my hand through my hair and yawn. I was tired from walking until three in the morning. My bags were on the floor by my feet, so I pick one up and get a bottle of water. I take a long cold soothing drink and when I finish and put my drink away, I look up to see tears running down the lady checks. Her eyes glisten in the light as her eyes fill with tears. She blinks and more tears caress her checks. its you. Its really you.

I back up a little as she slides down the wall. Someone walks over, a tall muscular man a sits next to her. A places a hand on her checks before a comforting voice leaves his mouth. "hey. Whats wrong? Look at me." She does and just grabs the back of his shirt and pulls him in for a hug. She whispers something to him, and he suddenly stands up and digs through the desk. Pulling out a piece of paper the man studies my face then studies the picture. All of a sudden, he turns around and helps her up into a hug.

I start to get worried. I no longer think this place is safe, so I walk back to my bags and pick them back up. :Im sorry for bothering you, Im just going to go". I start to turn. Concerned for the lady and confused the entire exchange. That was until the piece of paper the man was holding is shoved in front of my face. Its me. Its a picture of me. Why do they have a picture of me? Why do they have a baby picture of me? I place myself in a corner away from them both. Then it clicks.

I drop to the floor in shaking. its all too much to process. my eyes wide as I stare at the women before me. I didn't think this was possible. flashes of my other come to the brink of my mind. I smile to myself as the similarities start to show themselves to me. my hands fly to my mouth as my jaw drops open. I know that voice too well. I've missed that voice far too much.

My face in my hands at the realisation of where I have heard that voice before. "Mum?" she walks up to me and place my arms around her. but Dad I start to ask, my voice wobbly.

"Im sorry Baby." She confirms my worries. Look at it on the bright side, at least I got my mum back. Im safe now and at home in her arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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