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Takes place after season 3.
Chloe found out that Lucifer is the devil and travelled to Rome but she didn't me the priest and doesn't plan to kill our favourite devil (😜)

I've been in Rome for 3 weeks but I had to go back to work. I couldn't get more time off and I also began to feel guilty 'cause I left Trixie alone without much explaining. But the only thoughts in my mind right there ware:

'Will Lucifer still be there?'
'Will Lucifer act differently?'
'Did Lucifer just pretend to care the whole time?'
'Did he really never lie to me?'

Ok. There was no going back now.
I stood right in front of the building of the LAPD and took a few deep breaths.

A few seconds later I was able to face reality so I went in.

The first thing I did was scanning the room for Lucifer.
I coudn't really decide if I wanted to see him or not.
But well. Sooner or later I'd have to face him.

"DECKER! You're back!?!", Ella half screamed and hugged me.
"How could you just leave Lucifer! He didn't know where you've been. He came everyday in hope you would be there."
"What!!", I said.
"Yeah. He missed you"
"Ok? Where is he now?", I asked carefully.
"I think he's at Lux but I don't know for sure. I haven't seen him since Friday and he usually would be here at this time."
(It's Monday; 7:30 am)

Just after she finished I heard:


I slowly turned around.
There he was. Lucifer Morningstar in his usual suit and hair. Just his typical smirk was missing.
He looked worried.

"Ok, guys. I really can feel the tension between you two right now so I'd suggest you go to a private room and have the conversation you need while I'm going to prepare everything for our next case. K?", Ella said.

"Yeah that would be nice.", I replied hesitantly.
Lucifer looked surprised after I said this but he smiled lightly.

"Ok. See you, guys. Don't last too long 😏!"
"Don't worry, Ella.", I chuckled slightly.

So now there was silent between Lucifer and me and we went to an empty room.
(Just imagine there is one)

"Are you ok?", Lucifer asked unsure what to say.
"Yeah. Better than I thought I'd be."
"Thank you", I said after a while.
"What? For what?"
"You still saved my life three weeks ago."

"I would have done it any time." , he said smiling.
"Why? Why me?", I asked because that question have been in my mind for a while now.

"Well. You're special. You're the only human who can see me as who I am. Who isn't affected by my mojo or my charms. I am really sorry that you had to see my other face back then. But please remember: I never lied to you."

I think I've never seen Lucifer that open to me.
But he looked sad and a bit frightened.
Is he really like this because he thinks I'm mad at him or I won't talk to him because he's the devil?
Well that was my plan first but I changed my mind. He's still the Lucifer I know.

I couldn't help but hug him.
He was surprised but after a few seconds he hugged me back.
"No, I am sorry. For how I reacted when I saw your face and for travelling away without telling you wher I was or at least that I was kind of okay."
"You don't need to apologise... , Chloe"
I think that was the first time he actually called me by my first name.
"I still do"
We laughed a bit.

I don't want this moment to end. I just want to stay in his arms for eternity.

"Sorry to interrupt you but I really need you two on the case.", Ella said after she came in.
(And she took a picture before they broke apart but neither Chloe nor Lucifer noticed 😂😜)

"Sure no problem", I said and started to walk out the room but I noticed Lucifer wasn't following me.
So I asked: "You coming"
"Of course, detective", He said and finally he had his usual smirk on his face again .

Sorry that it took me that long to update this but I hadn't ideas about what I could write.
Please tell me what you think😁❤

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