movie theatre butter

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movie theatre butter | smut |
seulgi's movie is interrupted by a hungry irene.

warnings: futa!seulgi, oral and public sex.

being excited was an understatement for seulgi. being the pure nerd she was, she couldn't help but contain the excited squeal when it was announced that the new venom movie was out, now playing in theatres. irene was in the kitchen of their nice apartment, chopping up some meat to grill for lunch for her baby bear who she loved most when the girl barged into the open space with an eye smile spread across her face. seeing how excited seulgi was, prancing around with her laptop in her hands and showing irene the movie with all happiness, irene's heart exploded of flutters.

in all honesty, irene absolutely hated large crowds, especially being crammed into small rooms like the movie theatres, but she pushed away that fear and immediately bought tickets online for the two of them to see the movie that night.

that's where irene was now. clinging onto seulgi's arm, internally groaning at her decision to come to the movies while seulgi led the way into the large building from the chilly fall weather outside.

"i still can't believe you bought us tickets hyun!" seulgi said cheerfully and in those few moments, irene's anxiety was gone upon seeing seulgi's crescent eyes and puffy cheeks wide in a smile.

"anything for my nerd." irene said and pecked the taller girl's jawline.

the brunette cheeks reddened to a blush and continued to pull the pair to the long lines where overly priced food was sold.

irene ordered nothing but a water and a bag of gummy bears, willing to pay as she got her card out while seulgi ordered the largest popcorn and drink sizes along with two bags of candy and a small platter of nachos. however, seeing irene pull out her card to pay, seulgi shook her head and intervened to do so.


"rene, you already bought us tickets to the movie. at least let me pay for the food and my giant portion."

irene couldn't argue with her sweet girlfriend. she was so considerate and fair in all situations, it was one of the things on the endless list of characteristics she loved about her girlfriend. so, the raven made a note at the back of her head and simply smiled and kissed the bear's cheek, a small action that thanked her for her consistent kindness.

seulgi payed for their food and the couple made their way to the cart of extra toppings.

irene, who was still clinging onto her girlfriend, couldn't help but cringe at the massive amounts of liquid butter seulgi was slowly pouring onto her already buttered popcorn. she didn't want her baby getting sick from it.

"do you seriously need that much?" irene questioned.

"it's really good!" seulgi said and popped a dripping piece into her mouth.

"i can't imagine. do you know how much calories that has?" the bunny honestly felt a little queasy at the unpleasing sight of liquid yellow slowly floating along seulgi's food.

"looks like i'll just get fat." the brunette joked and irene playfully rolled her eyes, completely aware of her girlfriend's powerful metabolism and her incredibly fit physique underneath her coat. don't forgot the bear's rock hard abs.

irene lightly blushed at the image of seulgi's naked torso, she didn't realize seulgi had pulled them into the already packed theatre until she looked up.

hopefully her fear wouldn't win today.

looking around, seulgi pointed out two seats near the middle for them to sit but irene had a better idea. she instead pointed at a nearly empty row on the other side of the theatre where it was already naturally dimmer and seulgi mindlessly agreed and followed her girlfriend to the seats.

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