thirty eight

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'am i supposed to do something?'

chenle had been standing in front of the blonde's closet for about ten minutes without saying a word. the only movement he made was his eyes scanning the clothes inside. renjun stood awkwardly beside his best friend, unsure if chenle was expecting him to do something.

'this won't do.' renjun's ears perked up when the other chinese boy finally spoke. he tilted his head slightly.

'what won't do?' renjun asked as he peered around the open door of his closet, following chenle's gaze tohis clothes.

'your clothes, they're too simple.' chenle sat on renjun's bed and took out his phone. he swiped down on his screen until he clicked something and held his phone to his ear.

'jisung, remember your friend who i said has good style? what's his number and address?'

only a few minutes later the two chinese boys were stood outside a large modern home and renjun felt even more confused. 'chenle, who lives here?' chenle ignored his friend and pressed his finger on the doorbell, leaving it there for a couple of seconds before he relaxed his arms by his side.

a small boy opened the door and all three of them stared at each other in surprise. 'you're that waiter.' chenle said to the pretty boy who wasn't wearing the name tag that would have helped them out.

the boy chuckled before nodding, leaning against the door. 'i'm ten, what are you here for?' 

'does some guy called johnny live here? you know - tall, fashionable, pretty hot but don't tell jisung-' chenle was cut off when ten let out a laugh.

'yeah, my boyfriend. come on in.' chenle's face immediately reddened at the realization that he had just called this boy's boyfriend hot to his face. ten only watched in amusement as the pair entered, admiring the art pieces that hung on the wall adding color to the mostly white hallway. ten pointed towards a polished looking staircase. 

'he's just upstairs and in the first room on the right, see y'all later.' ten gestured to show the boys the way before giving them a lazy wave and walking into what they assumed was the kitchen. the pair looked at each other before the black haired boy pushed renjun towards the stairs, earning an unimpressed noise in return.

they followed ten's directions and stood in front of a closed door, not knowing whether they should just walk in or knock. they decided on the latter and chenle gently knocked on the door. it swung open to reveal a very tall but enthusiastic male. chenle's description was pretty much on point.

'hey, nice to see you again chenle and nice to meet you renjun, come on in.' the boys walked in and once again stared in awe at their surroundings. the wall in front of them had built in shelves that were filled with clothes, all different colors and patterns. 

'so you're going to a party, correct?' johnny asked and the two boys nodded. johnny sat himself on top of a desk that was placed beside the door and his eyes scanned the shelves that the boys were previously admiring. 

'okay so what kind of look are you going for? are you wearing makeup? are y'all wearing similar things or completely different?'

once the boys, mainly chenle, answered all of johnny's questions he hopped off the desk and began searching for different articles of clothing. renjun watched the tall boy, amazed at how somebody could put outfits together just like that. he was so used to throwing on whatever he could find on his floor or in his closet.

renjun snapped out of his daydream when johnny held a few pieces against him before letting out a satisfied sigh. 'perfect, you're going to look so good.' johnny smiled and renjun couldn't help but return the smile. he took the clothes from the boy and didn't even get a chance to look at them before johnny was asking more questions.

'you said you're wearing makeup, do you have somebody to do it? or are you doing it?' johnny's eyes jumped between the two as he awaited an answer.

'none of us are that skilled at it but we were planning to attempt it ourselves.' chenle answered with a sheepish smile. johnny shook his head and grabbed both of their hands, pulling them out of the room and into another room right next to the previous one.

'no need, ten's crazy good at all arts including makeup. he can do it for you, i'll go call him.' the two friend could only nod, feeling slightly overwhelmed by how nice the couple were. johnny jogged out of the room and soon ten walked in instead.

'i hear you need your makeup done.' ten smiled as he went over to a shelving unit and opened the bottom drawer, pulling out a large bag. 'so what kind of look are we going for?' 

renjun let chenle explain what he wanted for both of them and ten was more than happy to do it, agreeing that they'd both look amazing. he was not only talented but also quick at doing makeup and both of them were finished within an hour.

ten clasped his hands together, looking at his work with a smile. he rushed to get a mirror from one of the shelves and held it up for the two boys to look at. both of their eyes widened as they stared at their reflection, they barely recognized themselves.

'holy shit johnny wasn't lying, you're so good.' chenle tilted his head to look at the makeup from different angles, highly satisfied with how it came out. renjun nodded his head in agreement, too speechless to voice his opinion. 'thank you so much.'

'no problem, y'all can come to me or johnny any time you need help with clothes or makeup, or even just to hang out. you have johnny's number, i'll get him to send mine on.' the boys nodded and smiled at the short boy and thanked him again before saying goodbye to the couple and heading back to chenle's house to change into their outfits.

a/n: when one of your ult ggs dms you offering to send a free signed album because they've noticed how much you keep up with them and support them

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