Peter- my little wolf

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A/N: Trigger warning, references to sexual assault

She ran and ran fast. She couldn't stop. Couldn't relent. Couldn't let him win. He always won.

"I'm coming for you little wolf"

Peters voice echoed through the clearing. She ran faster, dodging through the trees. A smile on her face as she got further away from his scent. She was confident she was winning.

Speeding up she dodged another few trees, closing her eyes she let her instincts take over, guiding her through the woods, avoiding all obsticals. That was until she collided with something hard.


He had stuck his arm out and pulled her into his body; catching her in his grip. She shook her head and growled slightly, she really thought she had it this time. He chuckled and pulled her chin up, kissing her lightly.

"Almost my little wolf"

He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around him, kissing him passionately. After a moment they heard a howl, talia. She was calling Peter home, he pulled apart from her and kissed her one more time.

"I will see you soon my little wolf"

"The rock?"

"The rock"

She nodded and he put her down, watching her run off down the path of the woods before he walked back to the house

That was the last time she had seen him, before he had been trapped in the fire.

"The kids are a nightmare as always, I mean come on i teach history you would think they only took it if they enjoyed it. But nooo they think its an easy subject!" She waved her hands around as she spoke,

"We started doing the renaissance today, I always read that quote that you love, 'although nature commences with reason and ends in experience, it is necessary for us to do the opposite, that is to commence with experience and from this to proceed to investigate the reason' no one ever guesses that its Leonardo da Vinci who said that. But then I guess I didnt either when you said it the first time, do you remember?"

She was walking through the library running her fingers down the spines of books as she walked, looking for something. Suddenly a hand tapped her shoulder and she jumped slightly turning to see an attractive guy standing in front of her. He was smirking and holding a green bound book labeled 'the renaissance magic, art science and mystery'

"How did you?"

"I saw you reading it last time,"

She took the book from him thanking him while also looking confused he stopped for a second and chuckled,

"I'm sorry I've just realised how terribly like a stalker I sound"

"No no its ok, I see you in here occasionally as well... Y/N Y/LN"

She extended her hand but rather than shaking it the boy took it in his and kissed it gently,

"Hello Y/N I'm Peter, Peter hale"

She thanked him again for the book and headed over to a vacant table, sitting down and pulling out  notebook while opening the book. She began to scribble notes on the page and smiled to herself when Peter sat opposite her reading a book about artists.

"What are you working on?"

He asked not looking up from his book, she kept writing,

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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