5 | Silver hair and blue eyes

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Still at the traditional Chinese restaurant, Kakyoin, Jotaro and I talked in Japanese so I could practise it a little bit until a man with silver hair approached our table.
"Excuse me, sorry to be a bother."

Not only Kakyoin, Jotaro and I looked at the man, but Avdol and Joseph ceased their conversation to look at him as well.

"I'm a tourist from France, could you help me out? My Chinese is a bit rusty and I am having a hard time with the characters on the menu. Could you help me decipher it?"
The man asked us for a favour, leading Jotaro to reply to him in no time.
"You're annoying. Go away."

"Oh Jotaro.."
I mumbled before Joseph spoke up as well.
"Come now Jotaro, it's fine. Try to be nice to the man."

Joseph took the menu before smiling at the man.
"I have been to Hong Kong many times over the years, I can at least read the characters on the menus. Why don't you join us?"

The man sat down between Joseph and me, looking into the menu with Joseph.
Joseph placed orders for all of us and it didn't take all too long until all dishes arrived.

"These look like dishes with beef, fish, clams and frog."
Avdol remarked while all of us looked at each other for a moment.

Joseph didn't order these dishes.

"Indeed, this is quite different from our order."
Kakyoin remarked while Jotaro mumbled in annoyance.

Joseph laughed about it before excusing himself.
"Well, this makes no difference. It's all on me, boys and girls. Besides, it doesn't matter what you order, it's all delicious. Alright everyone, dig in."

We tried a few things out, and to our surprise, these dishes were indeed delicious.

"Well, they have certainly taken a lot of a time to prepare this - it's almost artistic. Take this carrots for example.. cut into perfect little stars.. in fact, it reminds me of something.."
The silver haired man spoke up, holding up a star shaped piece of carrot with his chopsticks.

All of us looked at him with sharp eyes before he continued talking.
"I remember now. Someone I know has a mark, a birthmark just like this on the back of the neck. Know anyone like that?"
He asked us rhetorically, looking at us mischievously.

From the pictures that Joseph had shown us previously, Dio had one of those birthmarks, alongside Holly, Jotaro and Joseph.

"Are you another Stand user?"
I asked him in a calm voice while standing up from my chair.

A Stand appeared on top of our table, right in front of Joseph, me and the man.

"Mr.Joestar! Lady Caroline! Look out!"
Avdol exclaimed while the Stand attacked Mr.Joestar directly, leading me to summon White Snow to dodge the Stand's weapon, a sabre to be precise.

The sabre pierced through White Snow's left hand, causing a sharp pain to run though my left hand.
I squeaked quietly while holding my hand against myself as blood already came out of it.

"Magician's Red, come forward!"
Avdol attacked the silver haired man with Magician's Red flames, leading the man to dodge the flames by moving his sabre with immense speed to divert the flames to a table nearby.

All of us moved away from the silver haired man, standing behind Avdol now.

"He has such speed with his sword.."
Kakyoin remarked while all of us continued looking at the silver haired man.

"My Stand is the chariot card and his name is Silver Chariot!"
The man told us before continuing to talk directly at Avdol.
"Mohammed Avdol, it seems that I will be disposing of you first. I carved a burning clock into that table. Before the clock strikes twelve, you will be a dead man."

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now