Chapter 1 A Handsome Stranger

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"I don't feel so good..."

The lights in the room were dimmed down, but it was still easy tosee the girl's slender figure. She laid on the sheets in a lazy anddreamy manner, instantly grabbing Kerr Gu's attention.

"What! Who let you inside here?!"

He could not clearly see what the girl looked like, but it was easyto discern that she was a beauty. Approaching the bed, Kerr liftedup her chin to get a better look at who was this mysteriouswoman on his bed. In the next second, the woman suddenlyjumped up and threw her arms around his neck, panting heavilyas if she was gasping for life.

"Please... Help me..."

The way she clung on to him and breathed heavily beside his earmade Kerr loose it. He couldn't tolerate it any longer!
Kerr grew up in a rich family, and had seen and done a lot of badand dark things. It wasn't a big deal for him to take advantage ofthis poor and seemingly drugged girl.

'Anyone who is able to enter my room must have been instructedto get this woman for me. I'm guessing this is something to cheerme up?' he thought with a devious smile on his lips.
At the thought of this, Kerr leaned in and kissed the girl withouthesitation.

Ring... ring!

Nicole Ning's eyes fluttered open, awakening from the alarm onher phone that rang every morning. Rubbing her eyes, she tried tosit up and turn off the alarm, but she suddenly felt that there wassomething wrong...

'W...why am I naked? And, what... Who's this man sleeping beside me?!'
Nicole's hand went to her mouth as she tried to suppressher scream.

Rubbing her temples, she tried to recall the series of events thathappened to her yesterday.

'Okay... I remember Gregory telling me that he had a surprise forme, and told me to wait for him at the hotel. Then Fiona pouredme a glass of water.... and I drank that... Then... that's when Istarted to get dizzy and was taken to this room!'

Nicole's eyes widened in shock. She had long suspected that therewas something going on between her boyfriend and her bestfriend -- Gregory Song and Fiona Zhao. Even so, she never thoughtthat they would plot against her like this!

Nicole got out of bed and dressed quickly, intent on findingGregory and Fiona. Just when she was about to leave, sheremembered the sleeping man on the bed. Even though she wasdrugged, he was still asking her many times last night if what hewas doing was okay. For Nicole, he was fairly innocent.

'He's quite good-looking!' Nicole thought to herself as she lookedat his sharp features. 'Well... since he's so handsome, I guess I'mnot totally at loss here, ' Nicole shrugged. Then, she took outsome money from her bag and put it by the bed. Afterwards, shequietly left.

With no time to waste, Nicole got on a taxi and headed straight toGregory's home. During the car ride, she imagined countlesspossibilities of what awaited her there. But when she finally gotthere, it was still a great blow for her.

There were clothes scattered all across the floor, leading into thebedroom. Nicole even saw the dark blue tie she had given to himas gift. Now it was strewn haphazardly like garbage.

Slowly, Nicole went to the bedroom and tried to eavesdrop onwhat was happening on the other side. The door was left slightlyajar, and it was so easy for her to hear their voices and moans.Not being able to take it anymore, Nicole grabbed the high heels on the floor and threw them towards the man and woman on the bed.

"Maybe next time you should close the door so no one can seehow shameless you two are. But I don't know if you have half thebrain to remember that."

As soon as Gregory saw Nicole's angry face, he grabbed theblanket and tried to cover up. Meanwhile, Fiona grabbed Gregory'sshirt from the foot of the bed and put it on. Then, she stood upand approached Nicole.

"Nicole, let me just be straight with you. Since you've seen it,there's no pointing in hiding. Gregory and I have already--"

"Please put on your clothes first!" Nicole sneered, looking awayfrom her as if the sight of Fiona hurt her eyes. "Have you norespect for yourself?"


Fiona was ashamed and angry, so she couldn't speak for a while.Nicole glanced back at her, her eyes narrowed and a delicate browwas raised.

"So this is what you want, Gregory? Is Fiona your type?" Shelooked at the livid Gregory with a mocking smile on her face.

"Fiona, I know I used to be your best friend and all... but it lookslike that time has passed!" Nicole said with a sarcasticcheerfulness. "You see, I was just afraid to say this to you becauseit might hurt your feelings, but ever since we were kids, theclothes you wore were my old clothes and the things you usedwere my old stuff. Even up to our adulthood! Isn't that funny?"Nicole let out an ironic laugh. "Now, it looks like you're gettingsecond-handed men as well from me! You're really an expert onpicking up things that I don't want anymore!"

These words obviously caused pain for Fiona. Her father used tobe the driver for the Ning family. Because of this, she felt veryself-conscious and felt inferior all the time. Gregory, who was still lying on the bed, obviously wasn't happy to be described as"trash". He pointed accusingly at Nicole and shouted at her,"That's what I hate about you the most, Nicole! You're so full ofyourself! Do you still think you are the noble lady of the Ningfamily? Don't forget that your father died and your family wentbankrupt! Now, you are just a poor and helpless woman. It's soironic that a person like you would speak so lowly of Fiona andme. Why don't you tell me what you did last night?"

It turned out that they planned the whole thing.

'I remember Gregory told me that he lost a big sum of money inMacau some time ago. He didn't want his family to find out. Didhe sell me out to pay his debt? But Fiona had unknowingly put mein the wrong room!'

The thought sent a chill down Nicole's spine. She looked at theman and woman in front of her and gave a sarcastic smile.

"I'll tell you all about it! I spent a wonderful night with a very goodman in the hotel last night. His body looks good and he's sohandsome! Much more that you do actually. It was such a greatexperience for me!"

Knowing that Gregory was a very conceited man, Nicole guessedthat he would be provoked by her words. As expected, Gregory'sface turned red and he glared at her, gnashing his teeth in anger.

"You bitch!"

"Sure, sure. I'm sure you two enjoy your pathetic attempt inhaving some decent sex," Nicole rebutted. With a scoff, she turnedaround and walked away, her heels clicking crispy against the floorlike an arrogant queen.

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