BTS Random

240 7 1

Girl: Oppa, are you good in Math?

V: Yah! I always get the highest score in Math,

Girl: Really? Then what is the answer of 8x7?

V: Ah...87!!


So basically...

"What are you doing during your vacant times?"

BTS: We take derp pictures of the other members

"When will you post that pictures?"

BTS: During their birthdays.


Remember when V told a fan that she looked like a gorilla. And then the girl cried then Jimin had to comfort her by saying "you are pretty"
(Hahahaha how ride Taehyung is^^ lmao)


On a fansigning event a girl asked V, "oppa, lets get married!" And V just answered "NO" with a straight face


Suga: For me i can compare you to a book.

Girl: Why? Because i am important to you?

Suga: Hahaha, NO! Because you are SO BORING! You dont have sweegg~~

Girl: Hello^^

Jin: Hello^^

Girl: How are you today?

Jin: How are you today?

Girl: Are you tired?

Jin: Are you tired?

Girl: Are you copying me?

Jin: Are you copying me?

Girl: I love you

Jin: I love myself too.

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