Contaminated Soul H.S

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In a sudden sharp of a breath I'm awaken from my unconscious state.

Panting and gulping I look sideways.

Total darkness is all see. As my vision is blocked with a thick material of cloth that smelled like dust.

My head is throbbing in pain, and my mind is spinning in wild circles.

Everything have seem to happen so fast that I can't keep my head straight.

How did I get here? Where am I? Where is he?

All the questions tumble down one by one, causing me to wince once more as the pain grows.

Then in a beat of a second the answers to all my questions are brought back like a hurricane.


He caught me. He actually caught me this time.

This time I couldn't escape from him.


This time I didn't have the same dime of luck.

This time he caught me for real.

It sickens me to no end to know that I'm his next victim. His next brand new toy to mess around with.

Non stop till there's nothing left but a broken object that could never be fixed again.

I must get out of here.

I try to stand straight but fail to do so.

There are heavy metals clutched tightly around my wrists and ankles. Keeping me held in the most uncomfortable position.

With the last energy that is left within me I try to break free by pulling them off.

The chains rattle but wouldn't budge a bit.

"Dammit!" I scream out a ragged sob.

I'm trapped in some unknown confined place. There's no escaping for me.

"No... please." I mumble in terror as I think of the worst that could happen.

A loud haunting laugh rings throughout the room, louder than the clanking noise of the shackles.

Immediately I freeze. The hair on the back of my neck rises up in fear as I begin to tremble.

I wasn't alone all this time?

Someone else is in here with me.
Maybe it's not just one but more.

A cold chill runs down my spine.

In the most sadistic way it must be really entertaining to whoever watching me to see me struggle like this.

Fighting back my fear, I open my trembling mouth to speak.

"Who- who are you?" I ask and flinch when I earn myself yet another devil like laugh.

Instead of answering my question, I sense the person with the evil laugh come closer to me.

The room echoes with strong sound of boots hitting the floor.

Each step louder and clearer than before. Quicker and closer than ever.

Few seconds passes by before it completely stopped. The room goes back to dead silence as it was before.

Engulfing me into a weird, frightening, dull feeling.

Nothing could be heard apart from the sound of my own unsteady heart beat.

I begin to think that it's my mind playing tricks on me. That I'm just hearing things because of my paranoia.

Contaminated Soul H.SWhere stories live. Discover now