Late Night Third-Wheeling {Harry Styles One-Shot}

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Hey there everyone.  Due to all of this "Haylor" drama, I got this sudden inspiration to write a one-shot involving it.  Now before you piss your pants, no, it is NOT a one-shot between Taylor and Harry.  I would NEVER write anything with Taylor as his love interest. Ever.  I'll admit it; I don't like Taylor.  But I respect her and her ability to write her own songs, which I do enjoy.  But Harry, I love him.  So much.  He's beautiful inside out.  And the two of them together, yeah I love them just about as much as I love anchovies dipped in chocolate milk.  End of story.  Now without, further ado, here it is!  Hope you guys enjoy it!  Stay beautiful!

I love you all.

~Melina <3

PS: ElyseWeasely, I told you I'd post something soon!  I don't think my writing compares to yours, but hope you like it, nonetheless!


December 4, 2012: 11 PM, New York City

             "Electra, I'm this close to calling you a female dog," Reece Stamos warned his rebellious, seventeen year-old sister.

             Electra snorted, the chilly December wind whipping her long, dark tresses around her face.  "News flash, bro. You just did."  She snorted once more, rolling her eyes at her brother's choice of words.  Female dog.  What a wimp, she thought.  Twenty years-old and can't even cuss properly.

          Reece sighed, running a hand through his dirty blond hair, as the pair briskly paced the sidewalk in Times Square.  He had thought that spending the day in Central Park and having dinner in a five-star restaurant would get his sister's mind off of the emerging "Haylor" rumors, but he should have known that her profound stubbornness would do anything, but.  When Electra was upset, nothing and no one could cheer her up; she would sulk in silence, dampening the mood of those around her, as well.  Couldn't she at least pretend to appreciate his fruitless attempt at ameliorating her mood?

          He glanced over at the petite brunette, who had her arms crossed and was sporting a prominent scowl on her face.  He smirked.  "Keep scowling like that, and pretty soon you'll start looking like Caroline Flack."

          "I'd rather look like that hag, than fucking Goldilocks," Electra spat, causing her brother to cringe.  Reece pressed his fingertips to his temple, letting out another sigh.  He didn't understand why people found the need to cuss, especially his little sister.  She was such a lovely girl; it didn't befit her to use such abominable language.

          "Electra, come on.  You got to see your favorite band of all time, perform in Madison Square Garden.  What more could you ask for?"

          "For my future husband to stay single, duh," she snapped, fastening her pace, her long legs taking graceful strides.

          Reece began jogging to catch up to his sister's furious pace.  "El, it's not even confirmed yet that they're dating; they're probably just friends."

          "Just friends, oh please.  Reece, this is Harry Styles.  In my book, anything with a vagina, standing within a five foot radius from him, is considered dating.  Especially if that vagina belongs to Taylor Swift."

          "But Ellie, celebrities spend time together all the time.  Especially musicians.  There's a very good chance Taylor and Harry could just be hanging out, discussing music and whatnot," Reece reassured her, trying to look past his sister's pessimism.

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