chapter 2

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I woke up nice and early today. The pain in my ankle had dulled down a little but it still hurt every now and then. It then hit me I had a date with my boss and damn he was hot. As I got dressed my mum came in.

"mum!" she giggled.

"why are you smiling like a mad man right now?" she asked. I blushed madly then told her nothing. Of course she didn't believe me but I couldn't say my boss wanted to fuck me and date me right there and then. She smiled then left me again. Oh how I love my mother...

When I finished getting ready and had eaten my breakfast I left to go to work. I was 20 minutes early and that was a first for me especially at a job like this. When I walked through the doors I headed towards the girl at the desk. What was her name... Jess! Yes that was it.

"hey Jess." I waved. She smiled at me and asked me to go over there.

"hi Ava you're here early." I nodded and smiled at her.

"um I was wondering if you would like to go out for drinks some time. You seem to be someone I would love to have as a friend. As I only moved here a couple weeks ago it would be nice to have new friends. My old ones came for a weekend and I haven't heard from them since..." Jess smiled at me then nodded.

"sure we can be friends how about this Friday. We should go to the local bar." I smiled then gave her my number. When we finished talking I had 10 minutes left to get to Ryan. As I walked into the elevator someone stopped it to get in. I looked at the man and he smiled.

"hi." he smiled.

"hi." I spoke back shyly. This guys seems weird but at least he isn't doing anything dodgy.

"um my name is David by the way."

"oh I'm Ava." he smiled then the bell went and he left. Thank god. As I pressed to go to the next floor Mr Evans walked in. Oh dear.

"Morning Ava." he spoke.

"morning sir." I blushed madly and I couldn't believe this was happening. Suddenly the elevator stopped and I was pinned against the wall. My breath hitched and Ryan moved closer to me. My heart beat raced and I couldn't breath properly now.

"Ava I want you so badly." he breathed. I nodded my head and his lips pressed against mine. At first it was slow and passionate but it grew feisty and I was hungry for more. As the kiss continued he slowly moved his hand up my blouse. His warm hand grabbed by breast and he pulled away my bra.

"oh god." he smirked slightly and kissed down my neck. I tilted my head back as the places he kissed were on fire. I moaned loudly and his smirk grew. He then ventured further down until he met my erect nipple. His warm mouth took it in and he sucked and bit it. My moans were rapidly coming out and I couldn't control them now. Ryan eventually pulled away and kissed me one last time. "time to do some work now baby. We have a date later to do the rest." I smiled at him and tried to do my buttons up but my hands shook to much.

"is this your first time doing something like this?" he asked. I didn't want to admit it but it was true. I have never done anything with a man. I did have a weird rebellious stage when I dated a girl but that failed almost instantly.

"no I haven't." he smiled then pulled me towards him. He put my blouse back to normal and kissed me softly.

"well okay then let's do this properly. Will you Ava go out with me?" I blushed crazy. This was the first time a boy has asked me out.

"um... Yes of course." I was so happy. He laughed at my excitement and the elevator shot up once again.


"oh my Evans are you okay the elevator was still for ages."

"I'm fine I just had to speak to Ava here and we just so happened to bump into each other in the elevator." everyone nodded then left to go do their jobs. I laughed a little as I saw the gay guy sigh when he noticed me. However, I was cautious of the girls too. God damn it.

As lunch approached us quickly I shot up and ran to Mr Evans room. I knocked and he told me to enter. As I walked through I noticed him sitting there looking very stressed. When he looked up his eyes lit up and I couldn't help myslef but smile.

"sir may I go to lunch now? Also do you want anything for when I come back?" I asked politely.

"yes you can have an hour and please bring me a a nice coffee please." I nodded and left to go outside. When I reached the bottom floor the man David ran over to me.

"mind if I join you."

"umm..." before I could say something Ryan's brother came over and gave David a weird look.

"sorry David but Ava is with me today." He smiled and David gave him the look.

"Ignore him he is a creep you don't want to mess with him." I nodded understanding what he was saying now.

when we reached the coffee shop we sat down and ordered a mocha latte and a sandwich.

"damn this is good coffee." I spoke. Adam smiled at me then he got up and went to leave.

"I'm sorry but I have to go now I need to finalise some work." I nodded then he left. As I got up I ordered Ryan a coffee and walked out. I then ran back into the office and reached the top floor. As I was so excited I forgot to knock the door and I regret bursting in there...

There stood a tall blonde straddling Ryan. He was holding her waist and she was kissing him. I felt tears surface and I had to leave. As I ran away I heard a loud bang and my name being called. I hate him so much.

Ryan's pov :

I couldn't wait for mine and Ava's date tonight. As I wrote down my last price of work a small knock came from the door.

"come in." in came Hollie. She was a great secretary for the writing department. As she walked in she sat in front of me and bent over showing me her breasts. I coughed and tried to ignore her but she kept advancing forward. I tried to push her away but she had a vice gripp on my arms. I hissed as her nails drew blood from my arm. Soon as I could stop her she was straddling me.

"Get of... Me! " I growled but she just laughed at me. Suddenly her lips were on mine and I tried to escape. However, what happened next was horrible. Ava burst through the door and her smile looked so bright until she saw this. I tried to move and get away but Ava was gone.

"GET OF ME!!" I pushed Hollie away and she fell of me. I ran out the office and called her. She never turned around but ran. It was until she stopped. She turned around and her tear stained face was evident.

"I can't believe I trusted you." she barely whispered. As I walked closer to her she would back away. I can't believe this.

"I was attacked by the girl it wasn't me I swear." she looked at me trying to believe what I said but I knew that she must find it hard to trust people.

"I'm sorry just... Give me time." I nodded and she walked of. I dropped to the floor and held my head in my hands.

"why the Fuck did you let her do that Ryan?" stupid man. Stupid. Stupid man. I eventually got up and walked back to my office. I sat there in silence until I opened my draw... Inside was my bottle of whiskey. I was angry and I needed this badly. I ripped open the lid and drunk it straight. God it felt good.

A couple hours had gone and the bottle was finished and I was pissed. Damn it. I slowly got up but my head was shouting at me to sit down. So I did. I guess I'm staying here tonight...

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