Sometimes, It Is What It Seems

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         Mia could not tell you how it started or when it started. As far as she could remember it had always been this way.  For a millennia Sora was  blood thirsty , Tobby was wrongfully poked fun of by Sora, Petal was confused, Everyone but her purposely mispronounced Elliot as Evermoure to irritated him, a fight would brake out, Cal would try and fail to calm everyone, she and Cal would both  then regret their choices together and then after awhile, she would have enough, smacking everyone but Cal and Petal with a fan.
      That was her routine and she had long since accepted that fact. Sure there was a time that she hoped that there was more to it. That actually maybe Sora wasn't actually so blood thirsty, crude and wasn't trying to be mean spirited to Tobby just to start an age old fight. That Petal understood what was going on and for her own sanity decided to ignore it. This though, she had long since discarded, it becoming a faded distant hope from her youth. She had long since learnt over the great amount of years with this group, that sometimes, it is what it seems.

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