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Urrgh. After how many subjects and so many death glares and name calling... I feel so Overwhelmed. Math is done and we bid goodbye to Mr. PLankton. I never thought how hard being a SENIOR is.

As I was walking to my locker, I knocked myself over something. I fell on my butt and cursed a few profanities and looked up and saw those blue magnificent eyes. "Sorry , I didn't mean to" I apologized, I always stutter infront of him. Damn. "No. I'm sorry, it's my fault anyways." I just nodded containing my fangirl side. I swear my face blush 100x Tomato colour. "Ann? Do you know that Harry is here?" I looked at him and nodded "tell me if he bothers you okay? I'll protect you." Woah Louis? Louis William Tomlinson cares? For me!? Can you please engrave my future gravestone now? I swear I'm gonna die. "Oh okay. Thanks" Wow. I mean Louis and I are great of friends before, he knew exactly I had feelings for him. Everything went well until our gr. 8 years that is when Harry left and my life started getting downhill. Like litteraly, I'm grateful and ungrateful for Harry's sudden 'get away' because Eleanor Started bullying me more than Harry but most of it is verbally and it killed me and Louis Started dating her and they became the most popular couple. So why now? "Just know I'm here Ann, always been and Always will" oh. Really? You did?!  our conversation was cutted by a voice and hand on my back, I flinched because of the sudden gesture but relaxed a bit when I saw those Curls shit. RELAXED? no way! I must be tensed and screaming and running Away from this guy's hold but I knew so well that would be a wrong Move. "Hey boobear." He beamed "hey Hazz?" Lou gaved me a sympathetic smile "hey love? I thought I would be waiting for you but I guess you beat me to it" Harry said gesturing to me "Oh. Uh huh . Hey Harry" I smiled hesistantly to him which he returned it as well. "Are you gonna be fine Ann?" I nodded and said "why wouldn't I be?" Looks like I'm more convincing myself rather than convincing Louis "yeah? Why wouldn't she be, boobear?" Harry's voice snapped oh Shit please don't. I prayed to God that they would stop it now. "Harry, I've known you for so long and we both know what you did to her" he is pointing a finger at me "And? Don't be dramatic Lou. And please don't act like you didn't do anything to her!" Harry's voice Were clipped Obviously he is talking with gritted teeth. "Harry stop. Please I beg you" I begged Harry to stop but he didn't listened to me "Aah? Please explain further Haz? How did I hurt her? Did I sent her to hospital Almost everyday? Did I even hurt her like you did?" Harry clenched his jaw and my reflexes kicked in before he could have punched Louis in the face. I feel so stupid for what I did, I hugged him. I hugged Harry Edward Styles. I didn't even think it would work but I'm grateful it did "let's just eat lunch Haz. Please?" He then looked down at me and nodded but as we headed to the cafeteria Louis grabbed my hands that Stopped me from my track also did to Harry. "Ann. You don't have to do this if you don't want to" Louis said but I just shrugged it off and smiled at him "of course I don't have to Lou , obviously I want to" What? No. I didn't mean it that way, But I don't have a choice. He grabbed my hands to his again "Are you sure? Is he forcing-" I cut him off "nobody's forcing anybody Lou. " then I saw his hurt expression but he shook his head only to be Snapped by "What do you think you're doing holding my boyfriend's hand? You filthy bitch!" There!? Urrrg. Couldn't this be more torturous? "Who said she's holding Louis' hands El? Can't you see his holding hers?" Harry Snapped back to Eleanor. Thanks Harry I thought to myself "Uh. Nuh. Not by the way it looks to me Haz." She said and I shrugged Louis' hand and went to grab Harry's hand "Oh. Go get your eyes checked Girl" Harry gushed in a girly voice and I restrained myself from Laughing "Let's just get out of here babe" Louis said to Eleanor and there's a sudden Pain in my heart but Harry held me close to him which calmed me "Oh. And Louis your Gf's a fake barbie" Harry flushed a smirk "Better get her checked bro Before you get AIDS" He added and Louis' face turn pale but he just shook his head and walked away with Eleanor hand in hand. Oh my God. Harry can be such a smart ass sometimes. "Thanks" I said shyly "don't let them step you ann" woah. That caught me off Guard "since when did you cared Harry?!" I say through greeted teeth. "Since the day I saw you" he mumbled to himself thinking maybe I wouldn't of heard but I did. Imagination I guess? So I just shrugged it off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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