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chapter fourteen | sour candy

The first thing he registers is how surprisingly sweet he tastes against him. Hoseok guesses it might be from those lollipops Yoongi always carries on him (he might have had one in the car but Hoseok can't really make that out as his mind is currently blank)...or maybe it's the oranges that he steals at lunch. Either way, Yoongi tastes sweet like a summer cherry and he can't get enough of it. Their kiss is tamer than he thought it would be, he thinks back to all the dramas he's watched and it's nothing like that. There is no harsh force or clashing of teeth. It's soft like sliding on tile in socks, it's butterfly inducingly slow just like his mind. Yoongi takes him apart with slow movements of his mouth and hands that run down his legs and up his shirt then back down again.

Once they pull away a string of saliva connects them until it breaks away with length and Yoongi thinks the other has never been more endearing. Dirty brown eyes, big and unfocused, cheeks and ears a matching pink, and lips wet by him, lips tinged by their kiss.

Seeming to just realize what happened, Hoseok brings his hands up to his mouth and drops his head on Yoongi's shoulder, thoroughly embarrassed.

He tries to make up a sentence but words fail him worse than ever. He can't even get out a word before it breaks and instead he whines in embarrassment, slightly stifled by Yoongi's shoulder.

Yoongi says nothing.

After a couple of seconds, Hoseok leans up again to meet Yoongi with the brightest smile.


His hands have left Hoseok's body.


He won't meet Hoseok's eyes.

"A-A-Are you-"

"I'm sorry."

Hoseok fiddles with the sleeves of Yoongi's sweater, his bright smile gone.

"I shouldn't-"

Yoongi shifts and Hoseok gets the message and plops down onto the cold seat next to him, leaving his lap with shaky legs.

The floor looks pretty interesting to Yoongi at the moment. Jaebeom's words fly through his head in an instant.

Don't repeat the same mistake twice.

"I'm sorry for kissing you. I shouldn't have but I don't know what happened and I just don't think that-"

Hoseok gets up at once, "I-I-I thin-think uh, um I-I sh-sh-should- '' He can't even say his last word because his throat is closing up and there are a million thoughts that don't let him and overall he thinks he is the dumbest person in the world. He makes his way to the front door.

"Wait! No-"

And Hoseok closes the door behind him.

Hoseok clutches his hand tightly, texting for a ride as soon he walks down Yoongi's driveway.

Wow, thinking back to it, Hoseok is wrong. Yoongi doesn't taste like cherry. He tastes like sour candy. So sweet in the beginning (naming a cat together, letting him borrow his sweater, calling him adorable) and so so sour at the end (the way he wouldn't even look Hoseok in the face when he explains he shouldn't have kissed him). Sour candy is fun when you tear it open, fun when you think about it. It's not as fun when it stains your mouth with horrible taste.

He walks for a while and when a car pulls up, Seokjin is in the driver's seat with a worried face.

"Are you okay?"

Hoseok wipes his tears before climbing in. He says nothing for the whole ride.

In the house, Yoongi feels like he can't breathe. He tries and tries and in the end, he wounds up pulling at his hair and mumbling curse words. For a moment, he's careless and his tattoo stings but Yoongi can't help but thinks he deserved it.

Peach comes to claw at his pants. She meows harshly once and then another in a much softer tone.

"I know," he whispers.

He knows he fucked up big time.

With shaky hands and half a mind, he reaches for his phone and dials a number he hasn't in a long time. He doesn't notice the tears running down his face and the phone rings twice before the owner answers in a soft voice.


saw too many '🥺🥺🥺' in my notifs

is this what y'all wanted because i could-

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