chapter 3 Changes (mha)

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welp this will be a chapter of   what happend in 11 months after izuku arrivde in demon slayer world


its been 11 months after the truth was discovered many were angry at class 1-a and a lot has changed with them most have lost many friendships and many of the school or heroes hu liked the green häired boy{only three in romantic way} gaind hatred from them even the big 3 did not like them anymore nejire regret giving them recommendation do ryuko and she was regretting agreeing to take them for an internship while the families were disappointed in their children but new they had their reasons but a event that caused fire quirks do be more needet happen villains suddenly gained immense regeneration on high level nomu level or above while they still where "humans" and fire was the only think that harmed them 

{note its demon regeneration but they don't have it fully because quirks soo no sun weakness but can't die regularly without burning the head off their humans but with demon regeneration it will be  explaind how they caught it  later thats all}

the number 1 and other fire heroes and students are overworked or get drunk because of the stress this also imbis do class 2-a {its been almost a year so there 2-a} half hot half cold user hu after the truth was revealed stops talking to most but slowly is warming up again but not do two she has a tired expression always and she falls asleep in class even witch aizawa lets it happen because of the current events but always keeps a close eye on mineta then the government allowed these kinds of villains do be killed with no charges or others like with normal killings because these ones can't be stopped otherwise and right now a attack on the love will be launched do stop more of these super villains from being made somehow because they connected the league with these new villains there were many fire type users and other powerful quirk users even some junior high students with strong fire quirks because of this threat their reward was 1000 million yen because risking their lives early was something no one would take without a great reward

{i think thats a lot of money im not japanese }

And the battle dp stop this has stardet foe the sake of the future.

End of narrator

With izuku

Izuku-okay it's time for the final selection exam its time i became a demon hunter) as he walks up stairs dp the exam place.

Thats this chapter also if your wondwring how shinobu sister will be in the harem even ifshes dead youl see also  next chapter hero breathing forms names will be known and ice cya

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