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    Four hundred miles off the coast of Waterdeep, the central metropolis of the Sword Coast, sat an island called Mintarn. There, a man perilously scaled the side of the a mighty volcano. Heat burned his hands and sweat poured off of him like fountains, but he persisted until he had made it to the top. Resting he pulled out his map and glanced at it once more, fearing what he had to now do. He pulled out a small glass bottle filled with a viscous orange liquid and uncorked it, taking a deep breath before throwing it back and consuming the concoction. Throwing the bottle to the side and steeling himself he took a running leap into the bubbling magma before him.
    Falling he saw visions of his untimely demise, and how no one would remember him, but there was no turning back. As he was engulfed by the flames he felt the searing lava scorch away his clothes and threaten to consume his skin. Using all his might, he pushed further down into the magma, deeper and deeper, until...
    The man felt a rush of cold air as found himself freefalling down to the hard cave floor below. Searing pain hit his side as he opened his eyes to find a layer of ash and rock staring back at him. Groaning he rolled over to see a massive red scaled face staring down at him with pure hatred burning in its eyes.
    The man quickly rose to his knees and bowed before the gigantic dragon before him. "Oh great Hoondarrh, I have traveled many miles and spent many a fortune to speak with you!" The man explained, only now noticing he was in the nude. Panicking he quickly looked around for his bag, and found it lying about twenty feet away from him. A wave of relief washed over him, but it was soon replaced by fear as a booming voice let out a deep growl, "How do you know my name and how did you find me, mortal."
    "My name is Severin Silrajin and I am a member of the Cult of the Dragon back on the Sword Coast. Like I said I have traveled many miles and spent many fortunes to find an ancient dragon as old and wise as yourself." Severin explained shakily.
    "That silly cult that believes the world is to be ruled by Dracoliches? Have you come here to dare speak that nonsense to me!" Hoondarrh boomed, baring his gigantic teeth at the intruder.
    "That is just it, oh great Hoondarrh. I don't believe that translation is correct at all. In Sammaster's translation of Maglas's Chronicle of Years to Come he said "naught will be left save shattered thrones with no rulers, but the dead dragons shall rule the world." What I believe he meant was, "naught will be left save shattered thrones with no rulers, but the dead. Dragons shall rule the world entire..."" Severin explained.
    "So why does this revelation bring you to me human?" Hoondarrh snarled.
    "Well unlike my predecessors, I believe the true being that deserve our worship aren't Dracoliches, but living dragons. Thus I have decided to speak to a real dragon, which has led me to your magnificent home my lord." Severin said, still bowing on his knees.
    "I have to admit human, your conviction amuses me, but what is it you are truly after?" Hoondarrh asked relaxing slightly.
    "Great Hoondarrh, I am blessed with visions while I sleep of five masks, each a color of the chromatic dragons. I don't know what they are, but I believe they could be instrumental in bringing Tiamat back to the material plane."
    Hoondarrh gave a cold stare to the frail, naked man that had just fell into his home and sighed. "Tiamat must have foreseen something in you for you to have found me then." Hoondarrh retreated into his cave, digging through a massive pile of gold and treasure to retrieve a small red mask made to look like the face of a dragon. "This is what's called a Dragon Mask. There are five of them, one each for the respective heads of Tiamat. These are powerful artifacts that indeed have the power to bring Tiamat into this realm, provided the circumstances are met. After all of these years it looks like it is finally time for her revival, come, human we have much to discuss."

Mask of the Dragon QueenWhere stories live. Discover now